R1200/R1200w(u)/R3000/R3000w/R3400/R3800(wu) Version 3.0

User's Guide

A Detailed Guide to the Technology and Configuration of bintec Gateways as of software release 7.4.10

The User's Guide is a comprehensive reference to networking technologies used in bintec gateways. In this set of documents, every effort is being made to reflect the latest technologies and features implemented. Existing documents in this set are under constant revision, while new documents are steadily supplementing the list.

The first part, Basics, contains all required information for a standard configuration of your gateway.

The second part, Technical Reference, contains more detailed information for an advanced configuration of your gateway.

The third part, Workshop, offers step-by-step instructions for standard configuration tasks.

In the glossary you will find descriptions of common terms of network technology.

The Index is an assembled version of the individual indices found throughout the reference section. It will help you finding relevant information on all topics by using the Adobe Reader search function.