
  - The import file is formatted to reflect the standard
    (look and feel of) INI files.
  - The naming is arbitrary. A wizard in the Secure
    Entry Clients lets you select and import the file.


  - For every additional profile a block with the name 
    "[PROFILEX]" is added where X is a value that is 
  - Every block should be given a unique "Name".
  - All parameters that are dependent on the default values
    must be included in this Block.


    Name=MyProfile 1

    Name=MyProfile 1

 Basic Settings

  Parameter:  Profile name
  Key:        Name
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 39 characters
  Default:    Name must be configured

  Parameter:  Connection type
  Key:        ConnType
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Internet connection without VPN
              1 = VPN connection to IPSec gateway
  Default:    VPN connection to IPSec gateway

  Parameter:  Communication media
  Key:        ConnMedia
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0  = ISDN
              4  = Modem
              8  = LAN / WLAN (over IP)
              10 = xDSL (PPPoE)
              14 = xDSL (AVM - PPP over CAPI)
              15 = Ext. Dialer
              16 = PPTP
              18 = GPRS/UMTS 
  Default:    ISDN              

  Parameter:  Use Microsoft RAS dialer
  Key:        UseRAS
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              

  Parameter:  Use this profile after every system reboot
  Key:        BootProfile
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              

 Dial-Up Network

  Parameter:  Username
  Key:        UserName
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string

  Parameter:  Password
  Key:        Password
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string

  Paraneter:  Save password
  Key:        SavePw    
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              

  Parameter:  Destination Phone Number
  Key:        PhoneNumber
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 30 characters
  Default:    None string  

  Parameter:  RAS script file
  Key:        ScriptFile
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 30 characters
  Default:    None string


  Parameter:  Modem
  Key:        Modem
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 50 characters
  Default:    None string

  Parameter:  Com Port
  Key:        ComPort
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 = COM1
              2 = COM2
              8 = COM8
  Default:    COM1              

  Parameter:  Baud Rate
  Key:        Baudrate
  Type:       Integer
  Values:       1200
  Default:    57600        

  Parameter:  Release Com Port
  Key:        RelComPort
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    On              

  Parameter:  Modem Init. String
  Key:        InitStr
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string

  Parameter:  Dial Prefix
  Key:        DialPrefix
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string

  Parameter:  APN
  Key:        APN
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 64 characters
  Default:    None string

  Parameter:  SIM PIN AT command
  Key:        GprsATCmd
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 16 characters
  Default:    AT+CPIN=

  Parameter:  SIM PIN
  Key:        GprsPin
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 16 characters
  Default:    None string  

 Line Management

  Parameter:  Connection Mode
  Key:        ConnMode
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = manual
              1 = automatic
              2 = variable
  Default:    manual

  Parameter:  Inactivity Timeout (sec)
  Key:        Timeout
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 to 65535
  Default:    100

  Parameter:  PPP Multilink
  Key:        MultiLink
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off 
              1 = Tx
              2 = Rx
              3 = TxRx
  Default:    Off              

  Parameter:  Multilink Threshold
  Key:        MlThreshold
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 to 100
  Default:    0

 IPSec General Settings

  Parameter:  Gateway
  Key:        Gateway  
  Type:       String
  Values:     IP address or string with max. 254 characters

  Parameter:  IKE policy
  Key:        IKE-Policy
  Type:       String
  Values:     automatic mode
              Name of IKE policy
  Default:    automatic mode

  Parameter:  IPSec policy
  Key:        IPSec-Policy
  Type:       String
  Values:     automatic mode
              Name of IPSec policy
  Default:    automatic mode              

  Parameter:  Exchange mode
  Key:        ExchMode
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     2 = Main Mode
              4 = Aggressive Mode
  Default:    Main Mode              

  Parameter:  PFS group
  Key:        PFS
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = None
              1 = DH-Group 1 (768 Bit)
              2 = DH-Group 2 (1024 Bit)
              5 = DH-Group 5 (1536 Bit)
  Default:    None              

  Parameter:  Use IP compression
  Key:        UseComp
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              

  Parameter:  Disable DPD (Dead Peer Detection)
  Key:        DisDPD
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              


  Parameter:  Local identity - type
  Key:        IkeIdType
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1  = IP Address
              2  = Fully Qualified Domain Name
              3  = Fully Qualified Username
              4  = IP Subnet Address
              9  = ASN1 Distinguished Name
              10 = ASN1 Group Name
              11 = Free string used to identify groups
  Default:    IP Address              

  Parameter:  Local identity - ID
  Key:        IkeIdStr
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

  Parameter:  Use pre-shared key
  Key:        UsePreShKey
  Type:       Integer
  Value:      0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    On              

  Parameter:  Shared secret
  Key:        Secret
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

  Parameter:  Use extended authentication (XAUTH)
  Key:        UseXAUTH
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    On              

  Parameter:  Username (XAUTH)
  Key:        XAUTH-Id
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

  Parameter:  Password (XAUTH)
  Key:        XAUTH-Pw
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

  Parameter:  Use access data from
  Key:        XAUTH-Src
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Configuration
              1 = Certificate field "e-mail"
              2 = Certificate field "cn"
              3 = Certificate field "serial no."
  Default:    Configuration              

 IP Address Assignment

  Parameter:  IP Address Assignment
  Key:        IpAddrAssign
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Use IKE Config Mode
                  (the parameter "IP-Adresse"
                   may not be configured)
              1 = Use lokal IP address
                  (the parameter "IP-Adresse"
                   may not be configured)
              2 = Manual IP address
                  (the parameter "IP-Adresse"
                   must be configured
  Default:    Use lokal IP address               

  Parameter:  IP address
  Key:        IPAddress
  Type:       String
  Values:     IP address
  Default:    Not configured  

  Parameter:  Subnet mask 
  Key:        SubnetMask
  Type:       String
  Values:     IP netmask
  Default:    Not configured  

  Parameter:  DNS/WINS server 
  Key:        DNS1
  Key:        DNS2
  Key:        WINS1
  Key:        WINS2
  Type:       String
  Values:     IP address

  Parameter:  Domain name
  Key:        DomainName
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

 Remote Networks

  Parameter:  Network addresses
  Key:        Network1
  Key:        Network2
  Key:        Network3
  Key:        Network4
  Key:        Network5
  Type:       String
  Values:     IP address

  Parameter:  Subnet masks 
  Key:        SubMask1
  Key:        SubMask2
  Key:        SubMask3
  Key:        SubMask4
  Key:        SubMask5
  Type:       String
  Values:     IP netmask

  Parameter:  Apply tunneling security for local networks
  Key:        UseTunnel
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              

 Certificate Check

  Parameter:  Incoming certificate's subject
  Key:        SubjectCert
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

  Parameter:  Incoming certificate's issuer
  Key:        IssuerCert
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string

  Parameter:  Issuer's certificate fingerprint
  Key:        FingerPrint
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string

  Parameter:  Use SHA1 fingerprint
  Key:        UseSHA1
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off          

 Firewall Settings

  Parameter:  Enable Stateful Inspection
  Key:        Firewall
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = off
              1 = when connected
              2 = always
  Default:    Off              

  Parameter:  Only communication within the tunnel permitted
  Key:        OnlyTunnel
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              

  Parameter:  Enable NetBIOS over IP
  Key:        EnableNetBIOS
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    On              

  Parameter:  If Microsoft's dialer in use only communication
              within the tunnel is permitted
  Key:        RasOnlyTunnel
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     0 = Off
              1 = On
  Default:    Off              

 IKE Policies

  - For every additional proposal added to an IKE policy
    a block with the name "[IKEPOLICYX]" is added where 
    X is a value that is incremented.
  - Every block must contain a "Name".  The name indicates
    the policy in which the new proposal is added.
  - If a policy already exists with the same name, this
    will be overwritten and lost.
  - All parameters that are dependent on the default values
    must be included in this Block.


    Name=MyIkePolicy 1

    Name=MyIkePolicy 1


  Parameter:  Name
  Key:        IkeName
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    The name must be configured  

  Parameter:  Authentication
  Key:        IkeAuth
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 = Preshared Key
              3 = RSA-Signatur
  Default:    Preshared Key              

  Parameter:  Encryption
  Key:        IkeCrypt
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 = DES
              2 = Triple DES
              3 = Blowfish
              4 = AES 128 Bit
              5 = AES 192 Bit
              6 = AES 256 Bit
  Default:    AES 128 Bit              

  Parameter:  Hash
  Key:        IkeHash
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 = MD5
              2 = SHA
  Default:    MD5              

  Parameter:  DH Group
  Key:        IkeDhGroup
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 = DH-Group 1 (768 Bit)
              2 = DH-Group 2 (1024 Bit)
              5 = DH-Group 5 (1536 Bit)
  Default:    DH-Group 2 (1024 Bit)

 IPSec Policies

  - For every additional proposal added to an IPSec policy
    a block with the name "[IPSECPOLICYX]" is added where 
    X is a value that is incremented.
  - Every block must contain a "Name".  The name indicates
    the policy in which the new proposal is added.
  - If a policy already exists with the same name, this
    will be overwritten and lost.
  - All parameters that are dependent on the default values
    must be included in this Block.


    Name=MyIPSecPolicy 1

    Name=MyIPSecPolicy 1


  Parameter:  Name
  Key:        IPSecName
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    The name must be configured

  Parameter:  Transform
  Key:        IpsecCrypt
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 = DES
              2 = Triple DES
              3 = Blowfish
              4 = AES 128 Bit
              5 = AES 192 Bit
              6 = AES 256 Bit
  Default:    AES 128 Bit            

  Parameter:  Authentication
  Key:        IpsecAuth
  Type:       Integer
  Values:     1 = MD5
              2 = SHA
  Default:    MD5              

 Policy Lifetimes

  - If you want to import settings that dictate the 
    lifetimes of the IKE/IPSEC policies, a "LIFETIMES" 
    block must be created.
  - The lifetime parameters should be added under this 




  Parameter:  IKE policy / Duration
  Key:        IkeLTSec
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with 12 characters
  Format:     TTT:HH:MM:SS 
              T=days, H=hours, M=minutes, S=seconds
              e.g. 000:06:30:00 => 6 hours und 30 minutes
  Default:    8 hours (000:08:00:00)              

  Parameter:  IPSec policy / Duration
  Key:        IPSecLTSec
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with 12 characters
  Format:     TTT:HH:MM:SS 
              T=days, H=hours, M=minutes, S=seconds
              e.g. 000:06:30:00 => 6 hours und 30 minutes
  Default:    8 hours (000:08:00:00)              

 Configuration Locks

  - If you want to import settings that dictate the 
    configuration locks, a "CONFLOCKS" block must be
  - The configuration locks should be added under this 
  - Lock parameters they are not exists in the import
    file are set by default of no locked. 




 ID for configurations lock

  Parameter:  User
  Key:        User
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

  Parameter:  Password
  Key:        Password
  Type:       String
  Values:     String with max. 254 characters
  Default:    None string  

 Configuration rights

  For all parameters this group are use the following
  types and values. 
    Type        Integer
    Value:      0 = Configuration is locked
                1 = Configuration can be opened
    Default:    Configuration can be opened                

  Parameter:  Extended Firewall Setting
  Key:        MenuFW

  Parameter:  Certificate
  Key:        MenuCert

  Parameter:  Call Control Manager
  Key:        MenuCCM

  Parameter:  EAP Settings
  Key:        MenuEAP

  Parameter:  Logon Options
  Key:        MenuLogon

  Parameter:  Phonebook backup
  Key:        MenuBackup

  Parameter:  Profile import
  Key:        MenuImport


 General Rights

  For all parameters this group are use the following
  types and values. 
    Type:       Integer
    Value:      0 = unauthorised
                1 = authorised
    Default:    authorised              

  Parameter:  Configurable profiles
  Key:        ProfEdit

  Parameter:  Deletable profiles
  Key:        ProfDel

  Parameter:  Allow user to create new profiles
  Key:        ProfNew

 Visible profile parameter fields

  For all parameters this group are use the following
  types and values. 
    Type:       Integer
    Value:      0 = Parameter field is not visible
                1 = Parameter field is visible
    Default:    Parameter field is visible                

  Parameter:  Basic Settings
  Key:        PageGen

  Parameter:  Dial-Up Network
  Key:        PageDialIn

  Parameter:  Modem
  Schlüssel:  PageModem

  Parameter:  Line Management
  Key:        PageLineMgm

  Parameter:  IPSec General Settings
  Key:        PageIpsec

  Parameter:  Identities
  Key:        PageIdent

  Parameter:  IP Address Assignment
  Key:        PageIpAddr

  Parameter:  Remote Networks
  Key:        PageNetworks

  Parameter:  Certificate Check
  Key:        PageCertCheck

  Parameter:  Firewall Settings
  Key:        PageFirewall