Index |
The unique number of the MIB row. |
Descr |
This object contains a textual description of the row. Length: 0 to 255 |
State |
The State of the MIB row. Enumerations: - valid (1)
- invalid (2)
- delete (3)
X25LocAddr |
The local X.121 address in the X25 call. If empty, the local address will not be matched. Extended Adresses are indicated by a leading '@'. The wildcards '*', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}' may be used. Length: 0 to 255 |
X25LocNSAP |
The local NSAP in the X25 call. If empty, the local NSAP will not be matched. The NSAP is preceeded by an 'X' if it is an OSI compatible NSAP or by a 'N' if the NSAP is in a not OSI compatible format. The wildcards '*', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}' may be used. Length: 0 to 255 |
X25RemAddr |
The remote X.121 address in the X25 call. If empty, the remote address will not be matched. Extended Adresses are indicated by a leading '@'. The wildcards '*', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}' may be used. Length: 0 to 255 |
X25RemNSAP |
The remote NSAP in the X25 call. If empty, the local NSAP will not be matched. The NSAP is preceeded by an 'X' if it is an OSI compatible NSAP or by a 'N' if the NSAP is in a not OSI compatible format. The wildcards '*', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}' may be used. Length: 0 to 255 |
X25ProtocolId |
The protocol id of the X25 call. The protocol id will not be used for the matching process, when this object is set to -1 |
X25CallUserData |
For outgoing calls, this field contains the Call User Data field of the outgoing X.25 Call Request packet. For incoming X.25 calls, the field will be compared against the first or the last part of the Call User Data field of the incoming X.25 call packet. Direction for matching is defined in x25ToTcpX25CUDMode. If empty, the call user data field will not be used for matching. |
X25Cug |
If this object has a value other than -1, a Closed User Group facility will be generated for outgoing X.25 calls. The value will be the value of the object. Range: -1 to 9999 |
X25CugOutgoing |
If this object has a value other than -1, a Closed User Group Outgoing facility will be generated for outgoing X.25 calls. The value will be the value of the object. Range: -1 to 9999 |
X25CugBilateral |
If this object has a value other than -1, a Closed User Group Bilateral facility will be generated for outgoing X.25 calls. The value will be the value of the object. Range: -1 to 9999 |
IpLocAddr |
This object describes the the Local address of the IP-datagrams belonging to the set. If both objects are set to the local addresses for the datagrams in the set is not specified and can take any value. |
IpLocPort |
This object is used for incoming TCP calls. A value other than -1 specifies the local port number that is used for matching. Multiple local ports can be defined to extend the address space for TCP calls. Range: -1 to 65535 |
IpRemAddr |
This object describes together with x25ToTcpIpRemMask the range of the Remote addresses of the IP-datagrams belonging to the set. If both objects are set to the local addresses for the datagrams in the set is not specified and can take any value. |
IpRemMask |
This object describes together with x25ToTcpIpRemAddr the range of the Remote addresses of the IP-datagrams belonging to the set. If both objects are set to the local addresses for the datagrams in the set is not specified and can take any value. |
IpRemPort |
This object describes together with x25ToTcpIpRemPortRange the range of local portnumbers of the IP-datagrams belonging to the set. All portnumbers between and including the two objects are within the range. If both objects are set to -1, the value of the source portnumber is not specified and can take any value. Range: -1 to 65535 |
IpRemPortRange |
This object describes together with x25ToTcpIpRemPort the range of local portnumbers of the IP-datagrams belonging to the set. All portnumbers between and including the two objects are within the range. If both objects are set to -1, the value of the source portnumber is not specified and can take any value. Range: -1 to 65535 |
Class |
description not available Enumerations: - normal (1)
- master-plus1 (2)
- master-plus2 (3)
- master-plus3 (4)
- subrule1 (5)
- subrule2 (6)
- subrule3 (7)
Metric |
Metric to put order on table entries |
Direction |
This object describes, if the row its belongs to is valid in the direction from tcp to x25, x25 to tcp or both direction. Enumerations: |
Packetizing |
This object describes, how x25 packets are encoded on the IP stream: none: no packetizing. Packetizing information is lost. pos: packetization according to the ATOS specification for POS terminals rfc1006: packetization according to rfc1006 Enumerations: - none (1)
- atos (2)
- rfc1006 (3)
Reset |
This object describes, how the reception of a reset packet on the X.25 link shall be handled: clear: the connection will be cleared accept: the reset will be confirmed and the data transfer continues Enumerations: |
Intr |
Not supported yet! (This object describes, how the reception of an interrupt packet on the X.25 link shall be handled: clear: the connection will be cleared ignore: the intr will be ignored and the data transfer continues pass: the data part will be sent to TCP like data and the data transfer continues) Enumerations: - clear (1)
- ignore (2)
- pass (3)
Monitor |
If this object is set to on, the row will only be valid for the direction x25 to tcp, when the IpRemoteAddr is reachable by ICMP echo packets. Otherwise it is not used and an alternate entry to a different Ip Address can be used for redundant scenarios. Enumerations: |
MonState |
This object describes the reachability of the Remote IP Adress: not_monitored: the address is not monitored unreachable: the address is monitored, but does not reply to ICMP Echo Requests ready: the address is answering for ICMP Echo Requests and ready to accept TCP calls. Enumerations: - not-monitored (1)
- unreachable (2)
- ready (3)
X25CUDMode |
This object specifies the matching direction for the call user data field. When set to right-to-left, the rightmost digits of the call user data field are compared against the x25TcpX25CallUserData. When set to left-to-right, the leftmost digits of the Call User Data field are compared against x25TcpX25CallUserData. Enumerations: - right-to-left (1)
- left-to-right (2)