Index |
This object contains the interface index for the interface. When this object is set to an interface number, that does not yet correspond to an existing interface, a new interface is created. The interface index is forced into the range of indices for X25 over ISDN routing. Setting this object to an existing interface index sets all the values for the respective row to default values. |
Type |
This object specifies the type of the interface and can also be used to delete the complete row and the corresponding interface. The following types are available: one-to-one Each X.25 Call sent to the interface will create a new isdn call. This leads to a one-to-one relation between ISDN and X.25 calls. multi-vc The first X.25 call sent to the interface will create a new isdn call established. The following calls will be sent to the same ISDN call as long as VCs (two way or outgoing) are available. Only if all VCs are used up, a new ISDN call will be established. In either case, multiple incoming X.25 calls are allowed according to the X25LinkPresetTable. The ISDN calls are cleared, as soon as the corresponding layer 2 Link has been cleared as specified in x25LkL2IdleTimer. Enumerations: - delete (1)
- one-to-one (2)
- multi-vc (3)
Direction |
This object specifies the allowd direction of ISDN calls. The value none can be used to disable an interface. Enumerations: - in (1)
- out (2)
- both (3)
- none (4)
LocalNumber |
This object specifies the local ISDN number. For outgoing calls, it is used as calling party number, unless it is overwritten by the X.25 routing mechanisms. For incoming calls it is used to assign the incoming call to an interface. The called party number of the incoming ISDN call is matched against the value of this object. Wildcards are allowed in this case. Use care, when IfDirection is set to both. No Wildcards are allowed for outgoing calls. Length: 0 to 255 |
RemoteNumber |
This object specifies the remote ISDN number. For outgoing ISDN calls, it is used as called party number, unless it is overwritten by X.25 routing mechanisms. For incoming calls it is used to assign the incoming call to an interface. The calling party number of the incoming ISDN call is matched against the value of this object. Wildcards are allowed in this case. Use care, when IfDirection is set to both. No Wildcards are allowed for outgoing calls. Length: 0 to 255 |
StkMask |
This object specifies the ISDN stacks to be used for incoming and outgoing ISDN calls. If none of the specified stacks is ready for use, the ifOperStatus in the corresponding entry of the ifTable is set to down. Range: 0 to -1 |
Signalling |
This object sets the signalling for outgoing calls and is used assign incoming calls to interfaces. If set to 0, an ISDN signalling is generated automatically for outgoing calls depending on the values of L1Protocol and L2Protocol. All incoming calls are routed to the interface, when this object is set to 0. Other values are directly used for outgoing calls, independantly of the setting of L1Protocol and L2Protocol. Incoming calls are only assigned to the interface, when the signalling is equal to the value specified here. The possible values are specified elsewhere. Range: 0 to -1 |
L1Protocol |
This object specifies the layer 1 protocol for the interface. The specified mode is used for incoming and outgoing calls. If auto is selected, the layer 1 protocol will be derived from ISDN signalling for incoming calls. For outgoing calls, layer1 mode will be derived from layer 2 protocol. Enumerations: - auto (1)
- hdlc-64k (2)
- hdlc-56k (3)
- v110-1200 (13)
- v110-2400 (14)
- v110-4800 (15)
- v110-7200 (16)
- v110-9600 (17)
- v110-14400 (18)
- v110-19200 (19)
- v110-28800 (20)
- v110-38400 (21)
- v120-64k (31)
- v120-56k (32)
- modem (41)
L2Protocol |
This object specifies the layer 2 protocol of the interface. The setting applies to incoming and outgoing calls. When auto is selected, the layer 2 protocol is derived from the signalling of the call for incoming calls. For outgoing calls, usually lapb is used. Enumerations: - auto (1)
- lapb (2)
- pad (3)
- padoverlapb (4)
PadProfile |
In case of a PAD instance being used (see Layer2Mode), this object specifies the PAD profile to be used. |
ModemProfile |
In case of a modem being used for layer 1, this object specifies the modem profile. |
MaxCalls |
This object specifies the maximum number of calls for the interface. |
L2Mode |
This object specifies whether the layer2 should act in DTE or DCE configuration. If set to auto. The ISDN caller is always DTE, and the callee is DCE. Enumerations: |
StatCommand |
This object may be used, to clear the statistics counters for the interface. When set to clear, all statistics counters in this table and the ifTable are set to 0. Enumerations: |
MaxRetries |
This object specifies the number of times, an unsuccessful call has to be retried. When even after this many times, it was not possible, to establish an ISDN connection, the original X.25 call is cleared. In addition to that, when there are currently no other ISDN calls established for the interface, the interface moves to the BLOCKED state for BlockTime seconds. Range: 0 to 100 |
RetryTime |
This object specifies the amount of time in seconds, to wait between the retries of an ISDN call. If the value is negative, a random time will be chosen between 0 and the the absolute value. Range: -3600 to 3600 |
BlockTime |
This object specifies the amount of time in seconds, the interface will stay in the BLOCKED state after unsuccessful ISDN call establishment. Range: 0 to 3600 |
CurrentCalls |
This object indicates the number of currently established calls for the interface. |
IncomingCalls |
This object is a statistics counter. It counts the number of incoming calls for the interface. |
OutgoingCalls |
This object is a statistics counter. It counts the number of outgoing calls for the interface. |
MaxConcCalls |
This object is a statistics counter. It indicates the maximum number of calls being active concurrently. |
CumulTime |
This object is a statistics counter. It cumulates the connection time of all calls assigned to the interface. |
BrkSeqVar |
This object indicates the additional number of startbits to detect a break sequence send from V.110 terminal over an S2M interface. The default number of startbits is 22, you can vary this value in range from 12 to 32, configuring here -10 to 10. Range: -10 to 10 |