AdminStatus |
Global AC switch, that defines the role of this device. Enumerations: - master (1)
- slave (2)
- disabled (3)
OperStatus |
This attribute shows the current AC operation state. Enumerations: - master (1)
- slave (2)
- disabled (3)
MaxNoWTP |
Max number of WTPs that the AC can handle. |
IfIndex |
Interface index where the AC is listening. |
DebugLevel |
WLAN Controller degugging verbosity level. With a higher value more debugging information will be created. Default is normal(2). Enumerations: - off (1)
- normal (2)
- verbose (3)
Action |
Setting this variable to channel_selecting(2) a successive channel reallocation is issued. Setting this variable to start_scanning(3) a successive neighborhood scan on all active radios is initialised. After all radios are set to client mode it is switched to scanning(4) by system. On all operations switching back to idle(1) indicates that the operation has finished. Default is idle(1). Enumerations: - idle (1)
- channel-selecting (2)
- start-scanning (3)
- scanning (4)
InitType |
This variable indicates whether initialisation of WTPs is done simultaneous(1) (more than one is initialised at the same time) or successive(2) (one after the other). Default is simultaneous(1). Enumerations: - simultaneous (1)
- successive (2)
NoSimultaneousInit |
This attribute defines how many WTPs can be initialised simultaneously in wlcACInitType_simultaneous. A value of 0 defines that all WTPs can be initialised at the same time. Default is 10. |
StatisticsTimer |
This timer defines the interval statistics are sent from WTP to AC. Default is 30. |
BintecConfigTimer |
This timer defines how long a WTP waits for the next bintec config message before it supposes the AC to be down. Default is 10. |
LostACLifetime |
This timer defines in seconds how long a WTP still hold its configuration after he has lost the connection to its AC. The value -1 means endless. Default is 0, which means the WTP reboots immediately after loosing the connection. |
LedMode |
Choose one of the following LED-Modes for all manages WTPs: normal : LEDs work normal, minimal : only Status-LED blinks once in a second, off := LEDs are off. Enumerations: - normal (1)
- minimal (2)
- off (3)
ScanResultsMaxAge |
If a scan result wasn't seen for so many seconds, it will be removed from wlcScanResultsTable. |