Enable |
This is a global WLAN switch to enable/disable all WLAN cards (can be used for a WLAN button) Enumerations: |
DebugType |
Wireless LAN degugging type. With type common(1) debugging messages of authentication, access_point, bridge and client handling will be shown. With type authentication(2) only messages concerning the authentication handling (mainly WPA) will be shown. With type access_point(3) only messages concerning the access_point handling will be shown. With type bridge(4) only messages concerning the bridge handling will be shown. With type client(5) only messages concerning the client (wlanIfType == client) will be shown. With type lowlevel(6) messages concerning the 802.11 layer and lowlevel driver handling will be shown. With type all(7) all messages of all types will be shown. Default is common(1). Additionally within all types messages concerning generally wlan handling will be shown. Enumerations: - common (1)
- authentication (2)
- access-point (3)
- bridge (4)
- client (5)
- lowlevel (6)
- all (7)
DebugLevel |
Wireless LAN degugging verbosity level. With a higher value more debugging information will be created. Default is normal(2). Enumerations: - quiet (1)
- normal (2)
- verbose (3)
- very-verbose (4)
AdminStatus |
Wireless LAN global AdminStatus. The AP could be used unmanaged(1) and must therefore be configured directly or managed(2) by a WLAN controller. Default is unmanaged(1). Enumerations: |
OperStatus |
Wireless LAN global OperStatus. This variable shows the state of the AP where undefined(1) is the initial state when the AP comes up. The AP is in the managed_waiting(2) state when he waits for a feedback of a WLAN controller. In managed_controlled(3) state the AP is connected to and controlled by a WLAN controller. The unmanaged(4) state is reached when the AP is set to wlanGlobalAdminStatus=unmanaged by the Admin. Default is undefined(1). Enumerations: - undefined (1)
- managed-waiting (2)
- managed-controlled (3)
- unmanaged (4)
ScanResultsMaxAge |
If a scan result wasn't seen for so many seconds, it will be removed from wlanScanResultsTable. |
BandSteeringMaxAge |
If a client was not seen in the prefered Band Steering band (see wlanVSSBandSteeringPreference) for so many minutes it will be removed from the internal Band Steering buffer. |
BandSteeringMaxElem |
Specify maximum of Band Steering client entries the system remembers at a time. Default value is 1024. |