This enables or disables the handling of the private OID part (.i): auto : the private OID part is appended automatically - depending on community name the private OID part is appended, if: - the community is appended with '+i' or with '' the private OID part is not appended, if: - the community is appended with '-i' the default is to append the private OID index auto_nopriv: the private OID part is appended automatically like 'auto', but the default is not to add the index both auto settings consider special marked tables (STDINDEX, EXTINDEX) always : the private OID part is always appended (this was the default on former version) never : the private OID part is never appended Usually the OIDs have the format: .1.3.6.x.x .y.y .i .1.3.6.x.x: is the constant part of the OID of the variable specified in MIB-source .y.y : is the specific part of the OID to identify exactly a row. It is the content of all index variables. .i : is a consecutively incremented index number, to distinguish rows with identical index variables Enumerations: - auto (1)
- auto-nopriv (2)
- always (3)
- never (4)