AdminStatus |
Disable or enbale Content Filtering Enumerations: - disable (1)
- enable (2)
- enable-demo (3)
Ticket |
The License Ticket for Content Filter Server Length: 0 to 255 |
TicketExpire |
The expiration Date of License Ticket Range: 0 to -1 |
HistoryMaxEntries |
Maximum count of history Entries Range: 0 to 512 |
TicketStatus |
The result of the last ticket usage Length: 0 to 255 |
UrlDepth |
Maximum checked URL directory path depth. If set to 0 only the URL domainname is checked, so all pages of this WEB server have the same category. If set to 1, the first level of URL path is checked, so e.g and can have different categories and are verified. With higher value the loading of WEB pages can get slower because each page consists usually of multiple requests (e.g. pictures) that are all checked against the Cobion server. With smaller value sub-pages can get the category of the above path, even if they can probably be categorized different. The maximum depth of the path categorized by the Cobion server can be different for every WEB server address. Range: 0 to 32 |
cofStat |
description not available |
CurCofRequests |
The number of COF requests currently waiting. The COF requests include the inquiry of the HTTP requests from all clients and the COF requests done for administrative purposes. This number includes the COF requests answered from the COF servers and the COF cache. |
MaxCofRequests |
The highest number of waiting COF requests in parallel at one time. |
TotalCofRequests |
The total number of processed COF requests. |
TotalAllowedCofRequests |
The total number of client HTTP requestst allowed. |
TotalDeniedCofRequests |
The total number of client HTTP requests denied. |
TotalOtherCofRequests |
The total number of other aministrative COF requests. |
TotalCanceledCofRequests |
The total number of canceled COF requests from all clients. E. g. a waiting COF request is canceled when either the HTTP client or server side close the connection prematurely. |
TotalCofRequestsTempFailed |
The total number of COF requests which failed with one server and were tried again with another COF server. |
TotalCofRequestsFailed |
The total number of COF requests which finally failed and were not tried further. |
CurCofSessions |
The number of sessions currently established to COF servers. |
MaxCofSessions |
The highest number of sessions established to COF servers in parallel at one time. |
TotalCofSessions |
The total number of sessions to COF servers. |
CurClientSessions |
The number of established HTTP client sessions currently. |
MaxClientSessions |
The highest number of HTTP client sessions in parallel at one time. |
TotalClientSessions |
The total number of HTTP client sessions. |
CurHttpServerSessions |
The number of currently established HTTP server sessions. |
MaxHttpServerSessions |
The highest number of HTTP server sessions established in parallel at one time. |
TotalHttpServerSessions |
The total number of HTTP server sessions. |
CurClientRequests |
The number of currently received HTTP requests from all clients. |
MaxClientRequests |
The highest number of received HTTP requests from all HTTP clients in parallel at one time. |
TotalClientRequests |
The total number of received HTTP requests from all HTTP clients. |
TotalAskedClientRequests |
The total number of client requests from all HTTP clients for which an inquiry was done. |
TotalAskedAllowedClientRequests |
The total number of allowed HTTP requests for all HTTP clients. |
TotalAskedDeniedClientRequests |
The total number of denied HTTP requests from all HTTP clients. |
TotalAskedCanceledClientRequests |
The total number of cancelled HTTP requests from all HTTP clients. |
TotalHttpPipelinedRequests |
The total number of HTTP pipelined requests from all HTTP clients. |