>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: scheduleTable - (.

Description: The scheduleTable lists the commands for the scheduler. The scheduler watches the events (scheduleEventTable), and sets the appropriate SNMP variable(s) in this table schedVarTable/schedVarName in the row schedVarIndexName/ schedVarIndexVal to the specified value (ActiveValue/ InActiveValue). Instead of setting an SNMP variable, also an application can be executed (this must terminate without interaction).

Additional a notification can be send (syslog, trigger a SNMP trap). To send a SNMP trap additional the SNMP must be configured to create a trap on a change of this variable (add this variable in biboAdmUsrTrapTable).


This object specifies the index number of this entry. Should be unique.

Range: 1 to 65535

This object specifies the description (name) of this entry. Only for information.

Length: 0 to 255

This object enables, disables or deletes the entry.


  • enable (1)
  • disable (2)
  • delete (3)
This object specifies the first index into the event table (Index in scheduleEventTable). This can be a single event or the first of multiple chained events that are monitored for this command.

Range: 1 to 65535

This object defines the condition(s) for the event (or chain) to change this command to active (variable is set to schedActiveValue). all : all events in the chain must be active (and) one : at least one event must be active (or) none : all events must be inactiv (not) one_not: at least one event must be inactiv (nor)


  • all (1)
  • one (2)
  • none (3)
  • one-not (4)
This object specifies the name of the SNMP table in that the variable(s) 'schedVarName' should be changed. e.g. ifTable

If a new row in the MIB should be inserted (or overwritten if a row with given IndexVars already exists!) a '+' can be prefixed. The new row is inserted with the values from In/ActiveValue and VarIndexVal. Be careful with the used VarIndexVal and the events, not to insert an infinite number of rows. e.g. +biboAdmConfigTable

If this is empty, an application command is executed. The application name is in schedVarName, the argument list in schedActiveValue / schedInActiveValue.

Length: 0 to 255

This object specifies the name(s) of the SNMP variable to be changed, if the event is active/inactive. The names should be written like in the header line of the table view (no prefix necessary). The var(s) are set to the values in schedActiveValue / schedInActiveValue. If multiple variables should be set, then separate the names by ';'. e.g. AdminStatus or IntAddr;IntPort

If schedVarTable is empty this object contains the name of the application command to be executed. Be careful: the application must terminate without interaction otherwise the scheduler will block until it terminates. e.g. update

Length: 0 to 255

This object specifies the SNMP variable name(s) in the schedVarTable table, that should specify the approprate row (with schedVarIndexVal). If a row cannot be identified by a single var (not unique) then multiple variables can be given (separated by ';'). e.g. IfIndex or IfIndex;ExtPort

Length: 0 to 255

This object specifies the value(s) of the schedVarIndexName, that specifies the approprate row. The number and type of the values must correspond to the given VarIndexName. e.g. 10001 or 10001;123

Length: 0 to 255

This object specifies the value(s) that is written to the SNMP variable(s) in schedVarName, when the event is active. If this is empty no change is done, only a notification is sent (SNMPtrap of schedVarName is possible if monitored with an event). The number and type of the values must correspond to the given VarName. e.g. down or;123

On application execution this is the argument list: e.g. -a filename

Length: 0 to 255

This object specifies the value(s) that is written to the SNMP variable(s) in schedVarName, when the event is inactive. This is also the default value after a restart of the router or if the system time is not set correct. The number and type of the values must correspond to the given VarName. e.g. up or;123

On application execution this is the argument list: e.g. -a filename

Length: 0 to 255

This object defines the notification method, if a variable is changed. none : no notification all : all below notification methods snmptrap: only a SNMP trap is triggered (also create an entry in biboAdmUsrTrapTable and biboAdmTrapHostTable) syslog : only a syslog is generated


  • none (1)
  • all (2)
  • snmptrap (3)
  • syslog (4)
This object shows the current status of the event (list). error indicates a invalid field (e.g. VarNameVarIndex, value range ...)


  • active (1)
  • inactive (2)
  • notavail (3)
  • error (4)
This object shows the time of the last change.

Range: 0 to -1

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH