IfIndex |
Correlating PPP interface index. |
Mlp |
Indicates negotiation of Multilink PPP. Enumerations: |
Mru |
Peer's MRU/MRRU LCP option. |
LcpCallback |
Callback option inside LCP negotiation. Enumerations: |
AuthProt |
The negotiated PPP authentication protocol. Enumerations: - none (1)
- pap (2)
- chap (3)
- ms-chapv1 (4)
- ms-chapv2 (5)
Compression |
The negotiated CCP compression mode. Enumerations: - none (1)
- stac (2)
- ms-stac (3)
- mppc (4)
Encryption |
The negotiated CCP encryption mode. Enumerations: - none (1)
- mppe-40 (2)
- mppe-128 (3)
- des-56 (4)
- triple-des-168 (5)
- blowfish-168 (6)
- mppe-56 (7)
- mppev2-40 (8)
- mppev2-56 (9)
- mppev2-128 (10)
- blowfish-56 (11)
- mppev2-40-rfc3078 (12)
- mppev2-56-rfc3078 (13)
- mppev2-128-rfc3078 (14)
CbcpMode |
The negotiated Callback Control Protocol (CBCP) mode. Enumerations: - none (1)
- no-callback (2)
- user-specified (3)
- pre-specified (4)
CbcpDelay |
The negotiated (CBCP) callback delay in seconds. Range: 0 to 60 |
LocIpAddr |
The negotiated local IP Address. |
RemIpAddr |
The negotiated remote IP Address. |
DNS1 |
The negotiated first name server IP address. |
DNS2 |
The negotiated second name server IP address. |
The negotiated first NetBIOS name server (WINS) IP address. |
The negotiated second NetBIOS name server (WINS) IP address. |
VJHeaderComp |
The negotiation of Van Jacobsen TCP/IP header compression option (IPCP). Enumerations: |
BacpFavoredPeer |
The result of the BACP Favored-Peer negotiation. Enumerations: - none (1)
- local (2)
- remote (3)
IpcpStatus |
IPCP FSM status according RFC 1548. Enumerations: - initial (1)
- starting (2)
- closed (3)
- stopped (4)
- closing (5)
- stopping (6)
- reqsent (7)
- ackrcvd (8)
- acksent (9)
- opened (10)
Ipcp6Status |
IPCP6 FSM status according RFC i1548 and 2472. |
Ipcp6LocIfId |
The negotiated local IPCP6 interface ID. |
Ipcp6RemIfId |
The negotiated remote IPCP6 interface ID. |