Cadence string for this single/dual-tone. The cadence definition consists of times of activity, times of no activity and some control information. All information is concatenated to one string and all times are given in milliseconds. Synopsis: [:] active time [:] [passive time] [:]... Arguments: active time a<time value in ms> passive time p<time value in ms> : start or end of loop interval ,|-|blank allowed delimiters for better reading before and behind the timing arguments Examples: 1) a200,p200,a200 => two tones with 200ms pause in between 2) a1000 p500 : a200 p200 : => a long pulse at the beginning followed by a continous interval of short pulses 3) p2000-a1000 => a pulse of one second after two second pause 4) :a1000: => definition for an endless active period Length: 0 to 127 |