OspfBadVersion |
Counts the number of OSPF packets received with bad version number. |
OspfBadPacketType |
Counts the number of OSPF packets received with bad packet type. |
OspfBadChecksum |
Counts the number of OSPF packets received with bad checksum. |
IpBadDestination |
Counts the number of OSPF packets received with bad destination IP address. |
OspfBadAreaId |
Counts the number of OSPF packets with the wrong area field. |
OspfAuthenticationFailed |
Counts the number of OSPF packets with wrong authentication. |
OspfUnknownNeighbor |
Counts the number of OSPF packets received from an unknown neighbor. |
HelloNetmaskMismatch |
Counts the number of Hello packets received with wrong network mask. |
HelloDeadTimerMismatch |
Counts the number of OSPF Hello packets where the DeadTimer was not equal to the DeadTimer of the associated interface. |
HelloTimerMismatch |
Counts the number of OSPF Hello packets where the HelloTimer was not equal to the DeadTimer of the associated interface. |
HelloOptionMismatch |
Counts the number of OSPF Hello packets with bad options. |
OspfRouterIdConfusion |
Counts the number of packets received that used our own router id. |
OspfUnknownLsaType |
Counts the number of unknown LSAs received. |
DdOptionMismatch |
Counts the number of OSPF DD packets with bad options. |
DdNeighborStateLow |
Counts the number of OSPF DD packets received then the neighbor was in the wrong state. |
LsackBadAck |
Counts the number of OSPF LS Acknowledge packets received that were not exactly found on the retransmission list of that neighbor, i.e. with the wrong sequence number or checksum. |
LsackDuplicateAck |
Counts the number of OSPF LS Acknowledge packets received that were not found on the retransmission list of that neighbor. |
LsreqBadRequest |
Counts the number of requests for LSAs that were not found in the database. |
LsreqNeighborStateLow |
Counts the number of OSPF LS Request packets received then the neighbor was in the wrong state. |
LsupdNeighborStateLow |
Counts the number of OSPF LS Update packets received then the neighbor was in the wrong state. |
LsupdBadLsaChecksum |
Counts the number of OSPF LS Update packets with bad checksum. |
LsupdNewerSelfgenLsa |
The router received an instance of one of its self-originated advertisements that is considered to be more recent. |
LsupdLessRecentLsa |
The router received an instance of an advertisement that is considered to be less recent than the database copy. |