Index |
A unique index for each wave file table entry. Range: 1 to 255 |
Description |
The description can be used to assign an alias name to the wave file. Length: 0 to 32 |
Directory |
Specifies the complete path/tree where the wave file can be found on the mounted device. Length: 0 to 255 |
Name |
Simply contains the wave file name on the mounted device. Length: 0 to 255 |
AcousticProperties |
Optionally contains acoustic properties of the wave file: e.g. audioformat, bit-rate, sample-rate etc. Length: 0 to 255 |
Size |
This variable contains the wave file size in kbytes. |
Duration |
This variable contains the wave file (music) duration in seconds. |
Volume |
This variable contains the volume adjustment level for the wave file to be played back with (approximately in 3 dB steps): negative values -> attenuate during playback 0 -> playback as recorded (default) positive values -> amplify during playback Range: -5 to 3 |
Status |
Wave file status: create(1) -> new wave file shall be stored on the device remove(2) -> wave file shall be deleted on the storage device done(3) -> synchronization of storage device with MIB is done. Enumerations: - create (1)
- remove (2)
- done (3)
UploadResult |
Wave file upload result (error) code: success(1) -> the wave file upload was successful, no-mem-card(2) -> no memory card plugged, no-mem-space(3) -> no more space available on the memory card, incomp-wav-format(4) -> the wave file format doesn't match the requirements, transfer-error(5) -> any transfer error occured during upload. Enumerations: - success (1)
- no-mem-card (2)
- no-mem-space (3)
- incomp-wav-format (4)
- transfer-error (5)
- write-protection (6)