>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: mpsSysCharge - (.


This value determine the charging protocol on the internal isdn ports. You have three options here: KEYPAD protocol - Charge data is transferred such that it can be displayed directly by the terminal device. Functional protocol - Charge data is transferred with binary encoding and must be decoded by the terminal device. Both - Both of these protocols are recognized (default settings for the PBX system.


  • keypad-and-functional (1)
  • no-keypad (2)
  • no-functional (3)
This value determine the frequency of the charge pulse for analogue terminals.


  • no (1)
  • f12khz (2)
  • f16khz (3)
You can define whether acquisition is to be made for all connection (1), or only when a project number is input (2).


  • true (1)
  • false (2)
Charge rate multiplier. e.g. 1 Unit = 0,064 -> mpsSysChargeMultiplier = 64, mpsSysChargeExponent = -3. 1 Unit = 1,200 -> mpsSysChargeMultiplier = 12, mpsSysChargeExponent = -1
Charge rate exponent. e.g. 1 Unit = 0,064 -> mpsSysChargeMultiplier = 64, mpsSysChargeExponent = -3. 1 Unit = 1,200 -> mpsSysChargeMultiplier = 12, mpsSysChargeExponent = -1

Range: -3 to 3

This currency name will be displayed by the terminal.

Length: 0 to 3

You can define an extension index at which internal telephone the communication data overflow is to be signaled per uus1 message.

Range: 0 to 65535

You can enter the number of hidden digit positions for incoming calls. The positions (numbers) are concealed from right to left (from the end of the number). -1 = hide all

Range: -1 to 20

You can enter the number of hidden digit positions for outgoing calls. The positions (numbers) are concealed from right to left (from the end of the number). -1 = hide all

Range: -1 to 20

System setting for saving call data records for outgoing calls: never(1) : no call data records for outgoing calls saved. all(2) : save call data records for all outgoing calls. withProjectCode(3): save call data records for outgoing calls only with project codes.


  • never (1)
  • all (2)
  • withProjectCode (3)
System setting for saving call data records for incoming calls: never(1) : no call data records for incoming calls saved. all(2) : save call data records for all incoming calls. withProjectCode(3): save call data records for incoming calls only with project codes.


  • never (1)
  • all (2)
  • withProjectCode (3)
This variable contains the host name for printing call data record. For local printing (serial printer), set to 'localhost'. For disable leave string empty.

Length: 0 to 255

This variable contains the tcp port for printing call data record. For local printing (serial printer), set to an arbitrary port matching that one in soipConfigTable.

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH