>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: mpsReRouteTable - (.

Description: This table contains settings for the reroute functionality.


A unique value for each reroute function.

Range: 1 to 65535

This variable contains the name of the rerouting function.

Length: 0 to 32

This variable contains type of the rerouting function.


  • immediatly (1)
  • onBusy (2)
  • onNoReply (3)
  • onBusyAndOnNoReply (4)
This variable contains the max. number of calls in the queue if mpsReRouteType = onBusy.

Range: 0 to 10

Incoming call can be acctepted with MoH (!= off). This variable contains the selected music on hold (MoH). Possible values are: file: variable mpsReRouteBusyMohFileDirectory specifies directory to contain sound file default: variable mpsReRouteBusyMohDefaultVariant specifies the variant whose default is to be used (default) external: external source is used off: no music on hold active


  • file (54)
  • default (55)
  • external (80)
  • off (100)
This variable contains the max. time that a call will remain in the busy queue, before droped. '0' = 'endless'

Range: 0 to 600

The reroute type = onNoReply allow you to configure a time interval in seconds, after the incoming call was connected to the announcement.

Range: 1 to 120

An incoming call to the rerouting function gets connected to this announcement, unless it's off. Possible values are: file: variable mpsReRouteAnnFileDirectory specifies directory to contain sound file off: no announcement active


  • file (54)
  • off (100)
This variable contains the target type of the rerouting function, after the announcement finished. 'off' means the call doesn't get dropped to an target but disconnected.


  • group (1)
  • extension (2)
  • off (3)
This variable contains index of the target table or zero, mpsTrunkNumberTarget=group : index = mpsGroupIndex. mpsTrunkNumberTarget=extension : index = ExtensionIndex.
This variable contains the file/tone the calling party hears while new target gets called. Possible values are: ringtone: use same tone as for ringing indication (default) file: variable mpsReRouteTransferCondFileDirectory specifies directory to contain sound file default: variable mpsReRouteTransferCondDefaultVariant specifies the variant whose default is to be used external: external source is used


  • ringtone (53)
  • file (54)
  • default (55)
  • external (80)
Just for MIB entry deletion.


  • enable (1)
  • delete (2)
This variable contains the playback count. '0' = 'endless'.
This variable contains the call switching function auto(1) : automatic without direct dial-in. autoWithoutDisa(2) : automatic with direct dial-in. autoWithDisa(3) : automatic with direct dial-in + DISA. The DISA settings in mpsAnnDisaTable..


  • auto (1)
  • autoWithoutDisa (2)
  • autoWithDisa (3)
Name of directory (on flash medium) which contains file to be used for music on hold. This variable references the entry in mpsWaveFile table where variable mpsWaveFileDirectory has identical content. If there should be multiple entrys with the same content for some reason an arbitrary entry is chosen. This entry is only valid if variable mpsReRouteBusyMoh is set to value file.

Default value is the empty string.

Length: 0 to 255

This variable specifies the chosen default variant if variable mpsReRouteBusyMoh is set to value default.

Default value for that variable is 1.

Range: 1 to 2

Name of directory (on flash medium) which contains file to be used for music on hold. This variable references the entry in mpsWaveFile table where variable mpsWaveFileDirectory has identical content. If there should be multiple entrys with the same content for some reason an arbitrary entry is chosen. This entry is only valid if variable mpsReRouteAnnouncement is set to value file.

Default value is the empty string.

Length: 0 to 255

Name of directory (on flash medium) which contains file to be used for music on hold. This variable references the entry in mpsWaveFile table where variable mpsWaveFileDirectory has identical content. If there should be multiple entrys with the same content for some reason an arbitrary entry is chosen. This entry is only valid if variable mpsReRouteTransferCond is set to value file.

Default value is the empty string.

Length: 0 to 255

This variable specifies the chosen default variant if variable mpsReRouteTransferCond is set to value default.

Default value for that variable is 1.

Range: 1 to 2

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH