>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: mobileSmsTable - (.

Description: A single mobileSmsTable entry. Each entry is a copy of a SMS stored in the GSM/UMTS modem and/or on the SIM-Card used. Status information like 'received-unread', 'received-read', 'stored-unsent' and 'stored-sent' is additionally available. After being successfully sent an entry in the mobileSmsSendTable is moved to the mobileSmsTable. Since space in the GSM/UMTS modem and SIM-Card is limited applications have to delete entries from time to time.


The interface index of the mobile device which received the SMS or should transmit it.
This object specifies the storage which holds the SMS. Available storages are: sm(1) -- SIM card storage me(2) -- Mobile Equipment storage mt(3) -- one of the ME associated storages bm(4) -- Broadcast Message storage ta(5) -- Terminal Adapter storage sr(6) -- Status Report storage


  • sm (1)
  • me (2)
  • mt (3)
  • bm (4)
  • ta (5)
  • sr (6)
The actual index to address the SMS in 'mobileSmsMsgStorage'.

Range: 0 to 65535

The status of the SMS. The first four states correspond with 3GPP TS27.005. For incoming SMS the Status is set to `rec-unread(1)'. After reading the SMS the Status is set to `rec-read(2)'. On storing one SMS for sending the Status is `sto-unsent(3)'. If SMS was sent successfully Status changes to `sto-sent(4)'.

In order to delete the SMS permanently set Status to `delete(5)'. This object can only be set to `delete'. Other settings are ignored silently.


  • rec-unread (1)
  • rec-read (2)
  • sto-unsent (3)
  • sto-sent (4)
  • delete (5)
The date/time the SMS is sent or received.

Length: 0 to 64

The Service Center Address used to send or receive this SMS.

Length: 0 to 64

The origination or destination address of this SMS depending on the value of 'mobileSmsMsgStatus'.

Length: 0 to 64

The message format of the SMS. Traditional SMS use plain `txt(2)' format. Special or Unicode SMS use `pdu(1)' format.


  • pdu (1)
  • txt (2)
This object specifies the coding of the SMS user data section.


  • ira (1)
  • gsm (2)
  • ucs2 (3)
  • pc437 (4)
  • iso8859-1 (5)
  • uh-7bit (6)
  • uh-8bit (7)
The raw data of the complete SMS.

Length: 0 to 160

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH