>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: isdnloginAllowTable - (.

Description: The isdnloginAllowTable contains information about the ISDN partners that are allowed to login to the BRICK via the isdnlogin service. ISDN callers are identified by their calling partner number. Incoming isdnlogin requests can be restricted to single ISDN stacks.

If this table is empty all calls given to the isdnlogind, are accepted. (Note that the isdnDispatchTable is consulted first.)

Creating entries: Entries are created by assigning a value to the isdnloginAllowStkNumber object.

Deleting entries: An entry can be removed by assigning the value `delete' to its isdnloginAllowScreening object.

.3RemoteSubaddressOCTET STRINGRW

The number of the ISDN stack, that accepts incoming isdnlogin calls. Refer to the isdnStkTable. The value `-1' matches all available stacks.

Range: -1 to 31

The number of the ISDN partner that is allowed to login via isdnlogin through the corresponding ISDN Stack. The wildcards '*', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}' may be used. See isdnCallRemoteNumber.

Length: 0 to 255

The subaddress of the remote number. The subaddress is coded in NSAP format as octets. See isdnloginAllowRemoteNumber.
The screening indicator of the calling party number (CPN). The isdnloginAllowScreening field can be used to gauge the `trustworthiness' of the CPN field (see isdnCallScreening). Indicators are ordered from highest to lowest as follows:

indicator: CPN assigned: verification: `network' by network none `user-verified' by user verification successful `user' by user none `user-failed' by user verification failed

Set this field to `dont-care' to accept all calls. Set this field to `delete' to delete this entry. Otherwise calls are accepted only if the screening indicator matches or is higher than the set value.


  • user (1)
  • user-verified (2)
  • user-failed (3)
  • network (4)
  • dont-care (5)
  • delete (6)

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH