>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: ipsecProposalTable - (.

Description: This object contains an IPSec proposal, i.e. a proposed set of security parameters applied to traffic sent over an IPSec security association.


A unique index for this entry.
The index of the next Proposal in the actual chain.
An optional human readable description for this proposal.
The security protocol to apply. Possible values: esp(1), -- Encapsulating Security Payload ah(2), -- Authentication Header esp-ah(3), -- ESP and AH delete(8) -- delete this entry.
This object specifies the use of IPComP in the proposal. Possible values: enabled(1), -- Enable IPComP disabled(2), -- Disable IPComP force(3) -- Force use of IPComP.
This object specifies the use of the AES encryption algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables AES 1..7 -- enables AES and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Twofish encryption algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables Twofish 1..7 -- enables Twofish and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Blowfish encryption algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables Blowfish 1..7 -- enables Blowfish and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Cast encryption algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables Cast 1..7 -- enables Cast and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the DES3 encryption algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables DES3 1..7 -- enables DES3 and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the DES encryption algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables DES 1..7 -- enables DES and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the DES encryption algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables DES 1..7 -- enables DES and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Rijndael encryption algorithm in the proposal. The use of this object is deprecated since rijndael has been accepted as the algorithm for AES. Its value is transferred to ipsecPropEspAes, if different from -1. Possible values: -1 -- use ipsecPropEspAes to determine the priority value 0, -- disables Rijndael 1..7 -- enables Rijndael and specifies its priority among the encryption algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the MD5 authentication algorithm for ESP in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables MD5 1..6 -- enables MD5 and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Sha1 authentication algorithm for ESP in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-1 1..6 -- enables SHA-1 and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies whether ESP without authentication is allowed in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables ESP 1..6 -- enables ESP without authentication and specifies its priority among the other authentication algorithms enabled for ESP.
This object specifies the use of the MD5 authentication algorithm for AH in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables MD5 1..5 -- enables MD5 and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Sha1 authentication algorithm for AH in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-1 1..5 -- enables SHA-1 and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the DEFLATE compression algorithm in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables DEFLATE 1..1 -- enables DEFLATE and specifies its priority among the compression algorithms.
This object specifies the key size in bits for the AES algorithm, if enabled. Possible Values: aes128(128), -- use 128 bit AES aes192(192), -- use 192 bit AES aes256(256) -- use 256 bit AES.
This object specifies the minimum accepted key size in bits for the AES algorithm, if enabled. Possible Values: aes128(128), -- use 128 bit AES aes192(192), -- use 192 bit AES aes256(256) -- use 256 bit AES.
This object specifies the maximum accepted key size in bits for the AES algorithm, if enabled. Possible Values: aes128(128), -- use 128 bit AES aes192(192), -- use 192 bit AES aes256(256) -- use 256 bit AES.
This object specifies the key size in bits for the Blowfish algorithm, if enabled. Note: the key size must be a multiple of 8 bits. If not, it will be rounded up to the next 8 bit boundary.
This object specifies the minimum accepted key size in bits for the Blowfish algorithm, if enabled.
This object specifies the maximum accepted key size in bits for the Blowfish algorithm, if enabled.
This object specifies the key size in bits for the Twofish algorithm, if enabled. Possible Values: twofish128(128), -- use 128 bit Twofish twofish192(192), -- use 192 bit Twofish twofish256(256) -- use 256 bit Twofish.
This object specifies the minimum accepted key size in bits for the Twofish algorithm, if enabled. Possible Values: twofish128(128), -- use 128 bit Twofish twofish192(192), -- use 192 bit Twofish twofish256(256) -- use 256 bit Twofish.
This object specifies the maximum accepted key size in bits for the AES algorithm, if enabled. Possible Values: twofish128(128), -- use 128 bit Twofish twofish192(192), -- use 192 bit Twofish twofish256(256) -- use 256 bit Twofish.
This object specifies the use of the Sha2 256 bit authentication algorithm for ESP in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-2 256 bit 1..6 -- enables SHA-2 256 bit and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Sha2 384 bit authentication algorithm for ESP in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-2 384 bit 1..6 -- enables SHA-2 384 and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Sha2 512 bit authentication algorithm for ESP in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-2 512 bit 1..6 -- enables SHA-2 512 and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Sha2 256 bit authentication algorithm for AH in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-2 256 bit 1..5 -- enables SHA-2 256 bit and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Sha2 384 bit authentication algorithm for AH in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-2 384 bit 1..5 -- enables SHA-2 384 bit and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.
This object specifies the use of the Sha2 512 bit authentication algorithm for AH in the proposal. Possible values: 0, -- disables SHA-2 512 bit 1..5 -- enables SHA-2 512 bit and specifies its priority among the authentication algorithms.

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH