>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: ipsecDialTable - (.

Description: This object contains a dial entry used for mapping ISDN numbers to peers for ISDN call back feature.


Index that maps to a peer in a unique way.
Calling direction for which entry applies.
Party number of remote peer. Used for matching calling party number on incoming calls and for called party number on outgoing calls.
Subaddress of remote peer. Used for matching calling party subaddress on incoming calls and for called party subaddress on outgoing calls.
Type of subaddress of remote peer. Used for matching calling party subaddress on incoming calls and for called party subaddress on outgoing calls.
Local Party number. Used for matching called party number on incoming calls and for calling party number on outgoing calls. Special value '*' is treated as wildcard, i.e. calls with any called party number will be accepted. Default value is '*'.
Local subaddress. Used for matching called party subaddress on incoming calls and for calling party subaddress on outgoing calls. Special value '*' is treated as wildcard, i.e. calls with any called party subaddress (of arbitrary type) will be accepted. Default value is '*'.
Type of local subaddress. Used for matching called party subaddress on incoming calls and for calling party subaddress on outgoing calls. Subaddress type is only checked as long as subaddress is not '*'. Default value is nsap.
Administrative status for dial entry. This object allows for temporarily disabling ipsecDial entries without the need to actually deletion them. This is achieved by assigning value inactive. Default value is active.
Operational status for dial entry. This object indicates current status ipsecDial entry is in. Beside values defined for ipsecDialAdminStatus, status blocked-for-outgoing is defined, which is used in case triggering call back resulted in a cost generating connected call to avoid unpredictably high phone bills.

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH