Status |
The status of this entry. Enumerations: - active (1)
- notInService (2)
- notReady (3)
- createAndGo (4)
- createAndWait (5)
- destroy (6)
IfIndex |
The corresponding interface for which host access authentication should be applied. |
DefaultPassword |
The default password used for authentication. If defined, only a valid vouchure ID is needed for authentication. Length: 0 to 255 |
WalledNetwork |
This object specifies together with ipHostAccessWalledNetmask the network where hosts can communicate without authorization. Further walled-garden-entries can be specified by domain-name via table ipWalledGardenDomainCfgTable. The whole walled-garden-feature can be deactivated via field ipHostAccessWalledStatus. |
WalledNetmask |
The netmask which corresponds to ipHostAccessWalledNetwork. The whole walled-garden-feature can be deactivated via field ipHostAccessWalledStatus. |
WalledURL |
If not empty, meaning depends on value of field ipHostAccessLoginViaWalledGarden: - false: Two frames are used. During login, left frame shows internal login-page, and right frame shows specified walled-garden-page, e.g. ''. After successful login, if ipHostAccessPostLoginURL is empty, right frame is kept. Otherwise, right frame is replaced by related external post-login-page. - true: Single frame is used. URL specifies external login-page to be used instead of internal one. External server must make sure that client sends its account-data to Hotspot-gateway for access-control afterwards. After successful login, if ipHostAccessPostLoginURL is empty, frame is replaced by internal status-page. Otherwise, frame is replaced by related external post-login-page. This field can be deactivated via empty string or via field ipHostAccessWalledStatus. In this case, the following default-scenario applies: Single frame and internal login-page is used. After successful login, if ipHostAccessPostLoginURL is empty, frame is replaced by internal status-page. Otherwise, is replaced by related external post-login-page. Length: 0 to 255 |
TermsURL |
The URL of the Terms & Conditions link shown in the internal login-page, e.g. ''. This field can be deactivated via empty string or via field ipHostAccessWalledStatus or indirectly (together with internal login-page) via field ipHostAccessLoginViaWalledGarden. Length: 0 to 255 |
UserDomain |
The domain name which automatically will be appended to the username during authentication. Length: 0 to 255 |
ReAuthenticatePeriod |
The re-authentication-period in seconds. A value of 0 is interpreted as NO re-authentications. |
DefaultSessionTimeout |
The default session-timeout-period in seconds that is used if the Radius-server does not specify it. In deviation from RFC 2865, section 5.27, a value of 0 is interpreted as NO session-timeout. |
DefaultMaxTransfer |
The default maximum number of received plus sent bytes if the Radius-server does not specify it. 0 means NO limit. Radius standard does not specify any attribute for this maximum. |
DefaultIdleTimeout |
The default idle-timeout-period in seconds that is used if the Radius-server does not specify it. In deviation from RFC 2865, section 5.28, a value of 0 is interpreted as NO idle-timeout. |
DefaultAcctInterval |
The default accounting-interim-interval in seconds that is used if the Radius-server does not specify it. In deviation from RFC 2869, section 5.16, a value of 0 means NO interim-updates. |
SessionTimeReporting |
Toggles calculation of session-time (RFC 2866, section 5.7). For with-idle-time(1), the session-start is subtracted from the current time. For without-idle-time(2), it is subtracted from time of the latest sent/received accounting-relevant data. Enumerations: - with-idle-time (1)
- without-idle-time (2)
WalledStatus |
Toggles activation of walled-garden-feature and of dependent fields ipHostAccessWalledNetwork, ipHostAccessWalledNetmask, ipHostAccessWalledURL, ipHostAccessTermsURL, ipHostAccessLoginViaWalledGarden, and of dependent table ipWalledGardenDomainCfgTable. Enumerations: |
DefaultLanguage |
Default-language used for Web-interface. Length: 3 to 3 |
Index |
The unique index of this entry. |
LoginViaWalledGarden |
Toggles between internal and external/customised login-page. - false: Internal login-page is used. - true: External login-page is used. More details on possible scenarios are described with field ipHostAccessWalledURL. Enumerations: |
PopupStatus |
Toggles whether browser is requested to open popup-window with status-info after successful login. Enumerations: |
PostLoginURL |
The URL of the external page to be shown after successful login. This field can be deactivated via empty string. More details on possible scenarios are described with field ipHostAccessWalledURL. Length: 0 to 255 |
ReAuthenticateTries |
Number of subsequent re-authentication-attempts before related client-session is aborted when RADIUS-replies are missing. Sets balance between tight synchronisation with RADIUS-server and robustness against temporary wide-area-network-losses. A value of 1 means that sessions are aborted immediately after 1st missing reply. With higher values, subsequent attempts are done with regular re-authentication-period. Negative replies are still processed immediately and not affected by this setting. Range: 1 to 65535 |
ContentInspection |
Inspection of HTTP request content from unauthenticated clients. Content inspection is disabled as default. If any option is enabled additional processing is needed, due parsing of HTTP request headers. suppressAppleCaptiveNetworkAssistant: Suppress support of captive network assistant (CNA) for Apple devices. suppressAndroidCaptivePortalDetection: Suppress support of captive portal detection for Android devices. Enumerations: - suppressAppleCaptiveNetworkAssistant (0)
- suppressAndroidCaptivePortalDetection (1)
MaxSessionsPerUser |
Maximum number of concurrent client-sessions for each user. If user requests a new client-session and the limit is already reached, then the session with the least recently login timestamp is removed automatically, to ensure the creation of the new client-session. Range: 1 to 65535 |