>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: ip6DhcpStaticIfIdentTable - (.

Description: Interface-IDs (least significant 64 bits, see 2.5.1 of RFC-4291) for semi-statically assigned 'ip6DhcpClientAddress' entries (find more details on address-building there). Related DHCPv6-client is specified by 'ClientDUID' of related 'ip6DhcpOptionSet' entry. Warning: Clients with static interface-IDs do not get any other addresses than such ending with one of their specified interface-IDs, making any address-conflicts more critical. Additionally, if clients with static interface-IDs request multiple IAs on the same link because they have multiple interfaces to it, only the first IA will receive the related addresses.


Internal identifier of this static interface-ID-entry.
Activate/deactivate/delete this static interface-ID-entry.


  • enabled (1)
  • disabled (2)
  • delete (3)
Textual description of this static interface-ID-entry.

Length: 0 to 255

'Id' value of related 'ip6DhcpOptionSet' entry. If no 'ip6DhcpOptionSetId' matches, this entry is ignored. 'ClientDUID' must be specified in related 'ip6DhcpOptionSet' entry in order to avoid that same address is assigned to multiple clients.

Range: 1 to 65535

Static interface-ID-value (see 2.5.1 of RFC-4291).

Length: 16 to 16

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH