Order |
The order of this entry. |
Status |
The status of this entry. Enumerations: - active (1)
- notInService (2)
- notReady (3)
- createAndGo (4)
- createAndWait (5)
- destroy (6)
Action |
Status of this rule. Enumerations: |
IfIndex |
The incoming interface for which this rule applies. Range: 1 to 2147483647 |
SenderAddress |
The originator of the packet for which this rule applies. |
SenderNetmask |
The netmask of the originator for which this rule applies. |
GroupAddress |
The address (combined with igmpACLGroupMask) which specifies a multicast group. |
GroupNetmask |
The netmask (combined with igmpACLGroup) which specifies a multicast group. |
Type |
The type for which this rule applies, either IGMP reporting or incoming mulicast traffic. Enumerations: |