Status |
Tells when to fetch/process the XML-file-contents pointed at by chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL (if not empty string). disabled: Clear chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL and supress further fetch-attempts. ondemand: Fetch at system-start and at every change of chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL (unless empty string). periodic: In addition to 'ondemand', fetch also periodically with specified chkUpdSrvAdminInterval. checknow: Fetch now and switch-back AdminStatus to previous value (i.e. to disabled, ondemand, periodic). Enumerations: - disabled (1)
- ondemand (2)
- periodic (3)
- checknow (4)
Interval |
Period in hours for checking for available updates. Default value is once a week (7 * 24 = 168 hours). Ignored if chkUpdSrvAdminStatus is NOT periodic. Range: 1 to 8191 |
Sets location of the XML description file, UNLESS value is set already at compile-time (see chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL). Length: 0 to 255 |
OperURL |
Shows location of the XML description file, coming from either chkUpdSrvAdminURL or fixed compile-time-URL, or forced to empty string if chkUpdSrvAdminStatus is disabled. If resulting string is empty then chkUpdSrvTable is filled for biboExtAdmUpdatePath instead, unless also empty. Length: 0 to 255 |
DefaultDigestType |
Default digest-checking-method (if not specified in XML-file) Enumerations: - crc32 (1)
- sha256 (2)
- signature (3)
- none (16)
OperStatus |
Current activity and state. Enumerations: - disabled (1)
- idle (2)
- checking (3)
LastSuccessfulCheckTime |
If not 0, tells when chkUpdSrvTable was last updated successfully for contents coming from either chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL or biboExtAdmUpdatePath. Is reset to 0 whenever chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL changes. Range: 0 to -1 |
LastFailedCheckTime |
If not 0, tells time of last unsuccessful update-attempt. If bigger than chkUpdSrvAdminLastSuccessfulCheckTime then retries are scheduled (see chkUpdSrvAdminLastFailedTries). Is reset to 0 whenever chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL changes. Range: 0 to -1 |
LastFailedCheckInfo |
Display-status of last unsuccessful update-attempt. (Not updated for successful checks.) Is flushed to empty whenever chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL changes. Length: 0 to 255 |
ActiveProductClass |
Currently active product-class. Length: 0 to 255 |
AlternativeProductClass |
Alternative product-class (empty if unknown). Length: 0 to 255 |
LastFailedTries |
If not 0, tells that retries are scheduled for latest failed update-check, and how many tries have been done yet (see also chkUpdSrvAdminLastFailedCheckTime for related timestamp). Is reset to 0 whenever update-check succeeds or restarts (e.g. due to changed chkUpdSrvAdminOperURL). |