>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: capiMultiControllerTable - (.

Description: This table contains mappings between controller numbers used by CAPI applications and the ISDN stacks available on the BRICK (i.e., the Number field of the isdnStkTable). The Version field specifies whether an entry applies to CAPI 1.1 or CAPI 2.0 applications.

If a CAPI 1.1 entry is not defined, CAPI 1.1 applications can only use isdnStkNumber N if N is the controller number requested by the application.

If a CAPI 2.0 entry is not defined, CAPI 2.0 applications can only use isdnStkNumber N-1 if N is the controller number requested by the application.

Creating entries: Entries are created by assigning a value to the capiControllerNumber object.

Deleting entries: An entry can be removed by assigning the value `delete' to its capiControllerVersion object.


The controller number requested by the CAPI application.

Range: 0 to 31

This binary number defines the ISDN stack(s) to use for the specified CAPI 1.1 or CAPI 2.0 applications. For example; `Number=1 StkMask=0b1111 Version=capi20' means: allow CAPI 2.0 applications requesting ISDN controller 1 to use the ISDN stacks with IsdnStkNumber 0 - 3 on the BRICK.

Range: 0 to -1

Specifies which CAPI applications (CAPI version 1.1, or 2.0) this entry applies to.

Set this field to `delete' to delete this entry.


  • capi11 (1)
  • capi20 (2)
  • delete (3)

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH