IfIndex |
Correlating PPP interface index. This value is assigned automatically by the system. |
Type |
The type of the PPP multiprotocol interface. A new dialup interface is created when this field is set to the value isdn-dialup(1), isdn-dialin-only(3) or multiuser(5). A leased line interface cannot be created by setting this field to leased(2), but is automatically established if there is a corresponding leased line configuration (for example in the IsdnChTable, x21IfTable, serialIfTable). Setting this object to isdn-dialin-only(3) only incoming connections will be accepted, outgoing connection attempts are blocked. Setting this object to multiuser(5), up to biboPPPMaxConn matching incoming connections (see biboPPPAuthentication, biboPPPAuthSecret, biboPPPAuthIdent) from different dialin partners will be accepted. In all cases, a new entry in the biboPPPTable creates corresponding entries in the ifTable (a new interface) and in the biboPPPStatTable (PPP statistics). Enumerations: - isdn-dialup (1)
- leased (2)
- isdn-dialin-only (3)
- multiuser (5)
Encapsulation |
The layer 2 encapsulation of the link. The use of ppp(1) as described in RFC 1661 is the preferred encapsulation for point-to-point links. The encapsulation is set to x25(2) for X.25-only links and to x25-ppp(3) for concurrent use of X.25 and PPP. Mpr-lapb(7) and mpr-hdlc(8) are popular proprietary encapsulations. They both use the ethertype number for protocol multiplexing. The former is used when error correction or data compression (v42bis) is desired. The latter (mpr-hdlc) is compatible to Cisco's HDLC encapsulation. On IP-only links it is also possible to use the ISO LAPB protocol (ip-lapb(4)), also known as X.75, or raw hdlc framing (ip-hdlc(6)). The x75-ppp encapsulation provides PPP over X.75 (LAPB) framing, x75btx-ppp provides PPP over T.70 and LAPB framing including a BTX protocol header. The x25-nosig(13) encapsulation is used to establish X.25 connections over dialup links without specific signalling on the D-channel (pure data call). The x25-ppp-opt encapsulation provides a special kind of the x25-ppp encapsulation. Dialin partner will be authenticated either outband to establish an X.25 connection via ISDN or optional inband by using the point-to-point protocol (PPP). Concurrent use of X.25 and PPP encapsulation is excluded. The x25-noconfig(16) and x25-noconfig-nosig(17) encapsulations provide a solution for establishing X.25 connections via ISDN. The dial number will be derived from X.25 destination address by using special rules. V42bis data compression can be enabled on LAPB links only, because v42bis requires an error free connection. The v120-ppp(19) enables a GSM HSCSD connect. Data Rates up to 57KBps are possible. Dialup links can be removed by setting this field to delete(5). This has no effect on permanent links. Enumerations: - ppp (1)
- x25 (2)
- ip-lapb (4)
- delete (5)
- ip-hdlc (6)
- mpr-lapb (7)
- mpr-hdlc (8)
- frame-relay (9)
- x75-ppp (11)
- v120-ppp (19)
Keepalive |
When set to on(1), keepalive packets are sent in regular intervals during the connection. Keepalive packets can not be sent using the ip-lapb or x25 encapsulation. Enumerations: |
Timeout |
The number of milliseconds waiting before retransmitting a PPP configure packet. Range: 500 to 10000 |
Compression |
The throughput can be enhanced up to factor three using the V42bis compression method or the Stac LZS compression algorithm. V42bis is currently supported with the ip-lapb and mpr-lapb encapsulation. Stac LZS compression algorithm is provided using PPP encapsulated links, stac(3) indicates support of Sequence checking, ms-stac(4) indicates support of Extended mode which is prefered by Microsoft. Both check modes are implemented according RFC 1974. When set to mppc(5), the Microsoft Point-to-Point Compression (MPPC) Protocol according RFC 2118 is negotiated. MPPC uses an LZ based algorithm with a sliding window history buffer. Enumerations: - none (1)
- v42bis (2)
- stac (3)
- ms-stac (4)
- mppc (5)
Authentication |
The type of authentication used on the point-to-point link as described in RFC 1334. The authentication protocol supports pap(2) (Password Authentication Protocol), chap(3) (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), or both(4). When set to both(4), the link must be successfully authenticated by either CHAP or PAP. The type ms-chap(6) and ms-chapv2(8) are Microsofts proprietary CHAP authentication procedures (using MD4 and DES encryption instead of MD5 encryption algorithm), all(7) includes PAP, CHAP adn MS-CHAP Version 1 and 2. Another way to authenticate dial-in users is by using RADIUS (remote authentication dial in user service). Users can authenticate themselves either using PAP, CHAP or MS-CHAP Version 1 and 2. In general the system creates PPP interfaces with this authentication itself, but it's also possible to take advance of the RADIUS dial-in services with pre-configured interfaces. See biboAdmRadiusServer for further details. Enumerations: - none (1)
- pap (2)
- chap (3)
- both (4)
- radius (5)
- ms-chap (6)
- all (7)
- ms-chapv2 (8)
AuthIdent |
The remote authentication identification string. The local authentication identification string is taken from the contents of the variable biboPPPLocalIdent. Length: 0 to 255 |
AuthSecret |
The authentication secret, which is used symmetrically for both local and remote sides of the PPP link. Length: 0 to 255 |
IpAddress |
The IP control protocol as described in RFC1332 has a means of negotiating IP-addresses. When this option is set to dynamic-server(2), an available IP-address found in biboPPPIpAddrTable is assigned as the remote IP-address and a temporary route is created during the uptime of the interface. When set to dynamic-client(3), the remote system is asked to tell us our own IP-address. A host route will be created during the uptime of the interface. In most cases this option will be set automatically by the network address translation option. In static(1) mode, address-negotiation is not forced. Enumerations: - static (1)
- dynamic-server (2)
- dynamic-client (3)
RetryTime |
Time in seconds to wait before retrying an ISDN call or PPTP control connection. This value is also used as timeout for the delayed callback (see biboPPPCallback_delayed). Range: 0 to 3600 |
BlockTime |
Time in seconds to wait after a connection failure (e.g. the number of biboPPPMaxRetries calls failed). When set to zero, the interface state is never set to blocked. Range: 0 to 2147483647 |
MaxRetries |
The number of dialup retries before changing to the blocked state. Range: 0 to 100 |
ShortHold |
The time in seconds to wait, once the channel is silent, (that is, no data is being received or transmitted) before terminating the link. When set to zero the short hold mode is disabled, when set to -1 the short hold mode is disabled and the link will be reconnected when connection was lost. Range: -1 to 3600 |
InitConn |
The number of channels to initially set up for this interface. Range: 1 to 250 |
MaxConn |
The maximum number of channels bundled for this interface. Range: 0 to 250 |
MinConn |
The minimum number of channels bundled for this interface. Range: 0 to 250 |
Callback |
If this object is enabled(1), and the call is recognized by the dialed number then calls are never accepted, and a callback is forced for incoming calls at once. The callback can be delayed for biboPPPRetryTime seconds by setting this entry to delayed(5). If the call is recognized by inband authentication (PAP or CHAP) then the actual connection is closed and a callback is performed at once. Setting this value to ppp-offered(4) allows a called peer to call back the calling site if offered by PPP negotiation. For PABX dialout a dialprefix is added to the number, if offered by the calling site (see isdnStkTable). If this object is set to expected(3), only one initial outgoing call is made expecting a callback. If this object is set to ppp-callback-optional(6), the CBCP option 'no callback' is also offered to the Windows client so that the user can decide wether he wants to be called back or not. Setting this value to vpn(7) a callback will be performed either via PPTP (if biboPPPLayer1Protocol is set to pptp-pns(20) or pptp-pac(23)) or via ipsec. Setting this value to expected_cbcp(8), callback is requested by using the Callback Control Protocol (CBCP) - same procedure as done by Windows Clients. Enumerations: - enabled (1)
- disabled (2)
- expected (3)
- ppp-offered (4)
- delayed (5)
- ppp-callback-optional (6)
- vpn (7)
- expected-cbcp (8)
Layer1Protocol |
This entry is used to select the layer 1 protocol settings for this partner. Normally the correct entry is hdlc-64. Enumerations: - data-64k (1)
- data-56k (2)
- modem (3)
- dovb (4)
- v110-1200 (5)
- v110-2400 (6)
- v110-4800 (7)
- v110-9600 (8)
- v110-14400 (9)
- v110-19200 (10)
- v110-38400 (11)
- modem-profile-1 (12)
- modem-profile-2 (13)
- modem-profile-3 (14)
- modem-profile-4 (15)
- modem-profile-5 (16)
- modem-profile-6 (17)
- modem-profile-7 (18)
- modem-profile-8 (19)
- pptp-pns (20)
- pppoe (21)
- aodi (22)
- pptp-pac (23)
- pppoa (24)
- l2tp-lns (25)
- l2tp-lac (26)
- pppox25 (27)
- dovb-64k (28)
- gprs (29)
- eth-emu (30)
LoginString |
A textual string containing a login sequence (script) composed of fields in the format [expect send], comparable to chat scripts commonly used on other sytems. This script is required i.e. to establish an asynchronus PPP dialup connection to CompuServe. Length: 0 to 255 |
VJHeaderComp |
This entry is used to enable Van Jacobsen TCP/IP header compression, which reduces the size of TCP/IP packet headers and increases the efficiency of line utilization. Enumerations: |
Layer2Mode |
This object specifies the layer 2 mode to be used for a connection. It is only relevant, if the Encapsulation involves an LAPB protocol. This is the case for x25, x25-ppp, ip-lapb, lapb, x31-bchan, x75-ppp, x75btx-ppp, x25-nosig, v120-ppp. The Default value of this object is auto. For dialup connection, the layer 2 mode will than be DTE, on the calling side and DCE on the called side. For permanent connections, the layer 2 mode is set at lower layers (for example isdnChType in the isdnChTable). When this object is set to dte or dce, the layer 2 mode will always be DTE or DCE, regardless of the call direction or the settings at the lower layer. Enumerations: |
DynShortHold |
Optimizes idle time disconnects depending on the charging information received during the connection. This value specifies the minimum inactivity time (channel is silent) in percents of the current charging interval length and is only used for outgoing connections. Incoming connections are disconnected after idle time according to the value biboPPPShortHold. Please note that this only works if your ISDN port has the AOCD service enabled (advice of charging during the call). For instance in Germany this is an extra paid service. (Even the 'Komfortanschluss' does only include AOCE [advice of charge at the end of the call], so AOCD has to be ordered and paid extra.) Range: 0 to 100 |
LocalIdent |
This is the local identification string used for PPP authentication(PAP/CHAP/MS-CHAP). Length: 0 to 255 |
DNSNegotiation |
The IP control protocol extensions as described in RFC 1877 has a means of negotiating primary and secondary Domain Name System (DNS) server addresses. When this option is disabled(1), no DNS negotiation will be performed. If enabled(2), DNS negotiation behavier depends on biboPPPIpAddress switch (client or server mode). Setting to dynamic-client(3), the remote system is asked to tell us the IP-address(es) of primary and/or secondary DNS. In dynamic-client-with-wins mode it is also asked for the IP-addresses of the primary and secondary WINS. Setting to dynamic_server(4), primary and/or secondary DNS IP-address(es) found in ipDynAdddrPoolDnsServer1 and ipDynAddrPoolDnsServer2 (or if empty biboAdmNameServer and/or biboAdmNameServ2), if asked, will be send to remote. Enumerations: - disabled (1)
- enabled (2)
- dynamic-client (3)
- dynamic-server (4)
- dynamic-client-with-wins (5)
Encryption |
This field specifies the data encryption scheme for en(de)crypting PPP encapsulated multi-protocol datagrams. Setting to mppe-40(2), mppe-128(3) or mppe-56(7) the Microsoft Point to Point Encryption Protocol (MPPE) will be enabled, using a 40 bit, 128 bit respectively 56 bit session key for initializing encryption tables. Setting to mppev2-40(8), mppev2-56(9) or mppev2-128(10) the old-style Microsoft Point to Point Encryption Protocol (MPPE) 'stateless mode' will be enabled, using a 40 bit, 56 bit respectively 128 bit session key. Setting to mppev2-40-rfc3078(12), mppev2-56-rfc3078(13) or mppev2-128-rfc3078(14) the Microsoft Point to Point Encryption Protocol (MPPE) 'stateless mode' in conformance with RFC 3078 will be enabled, using a 40 bit, 56 bit respectively 128 bit session key. Setting to mppev1-40-fixed(15), mppev1-56-fixed(16) or mppev1=128-fixed(17) only the 'old' MPPE V1 (stateful) mode will be negotiated and used. Setting to mppev1-128-ms-compat(18) 'old' MPPE V1 (stateful) 128 bit mode negotiation will be enforced and MS-CHAP V1 NT password hashing non-conform to RFC 3079 but compatible with Microsoft and Cisco products will be used. Setting to mppev2-128-ms-compat(19) 'old' MPPE V2 (stateless) 128 bit mode will be offered first and MS-CHAP V1 NT hash non-conform to RFC 3079 but compatible with Microsoft and Cisco products will be used. Enumerations: - none (1)
- mppe-40 (2)
- mppe-128 (3)
- des-56 (4)
- triple-des-168 (5)
- blowfish-168 (6)
- mppe-56 (7)
- mppev2-40 (8)
- mppev2-56 (9)
- mppev2-128 (10)
- blowfish-56 (11)
- mppev2-40-rfc3078 (12)
- mppev2-56-rfc3078 (13)
- mppev2-128-rfc3078 (14)
- mppev1-40-fixed (15)
- mppev1-56-fixed (16)
- mppev1-128-fixed (17)
- mppev1-128-ms-compat (18)
- mppev2-128-ms-compat (19)
LQMonitoring |
This parameter enables (2) or disables (1) PPP Link Quality Monitoring (LQM) according RFC 1989. When set to on(2) LQM is added to the list of parameters used in LCP negotiation. If LQM is acknowledged by peer link quality reports will be generated and send periodically. Enumerations: |
IpPoolId |
Pool ID value to select an IP address pool for dynamic IP address assignment via IPCP. See also PPPIpPoolTable for further details. |
SessionTimeout |
Maximum number of seconds before termination the established PPP session, regardless there is any data throughput on the corresponding link(s). When set to 0, there no limit for the duration of the PPP session. |
Layer1DiscDelay |
This parameter specifies wether the link (layer 1) should be disconnected immediately (after receiving a layer 2 disconnect) or delayed (after expiration of biboPPPShortHold seconds). It is only relevant for X.25 encapsulations over dialup links. If enabled(2), biboPPPShortHold specifies the time interval to be expired after receiving a layer 2 disconnect before disconnecting the link. If set to disabled(2), the layer 2 disconnect leads to the immediate disconnect of the layer 1. Enumerations: |
AuthDomain |
The authentication domain, which is used for authenticating via MS-CHAP with enabled DomainName. Length: 0 to 255 |
AliveCheck |
When set to enabled(1), LCP Echo Request (in case of encapsulation PPP) or Cisco-HDLC keepalive messages (in case of encapsulation cisco-hdlc) are sent in regular intervals during the connection. Note that for ip-lapb or x25 encapsulation the liveliness check is done within the X.75 layer (independent of this setting). Enumerations: |