>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: biboAdmLicenseTable - (.

Description: This table contains the licenses, purchased for this BIANCA/BRICK. Each entry describes a license. Each license can enable one or more features of the BIANCA/BRICK, when the activation key is correct. Please Note, that a license is only valid for the BIANCA/BRICK it has been purchased for.


This object specifies the serial number of the license in case of a numerical license (together with 'Mask' and 'Key').

Range: 0 to 999999

The LicenseMask is a bitfield, that specifies the different features enabled by the license. (only used on a numerical license).

Range: 0 to 8388607

This object contains the activation key. A license is only valid, if the activation key is correct.

Length: 0 to 255

To delete a license from the system, this object has to be set to delete. In case of an 'internal-ok' license the license can be erased from the modules EEPROM, if it is set to 'internal-erase'. The state will be 'not-supported' if a license refers to a feature which is not supported by the image loaded. With 'delete' it is only deleted from the main board flash memory.


  • ok (1)
  • not-ok (2)
  • delete (3)
  • internal-ok (4)
  • internal-erase (5)
  • not-supported (6)
This object specifies the serial id string of the license in case of string license (together with 'Key').

Length: 0 to 255

This object contains the device Hardware serial number for which the license is purchased for.

Length: 0 to 255

The type of licenseable feature.


  • ip (1)
  • capi (2)
  • bridge (3)
  • x25 (4)
  • ipx (5)
  • stac (6)
  • frame-relay (7)
  • tapi (8)
  • ospf (9)
  • extended-lan (10)
  • tunneling (11)
  • taf (12)
  • extended-wan (13)
  • leased-line (14)
  • e25 (29)
  • ipsec (33)
  • ipseccb-ipxfer (34)
  • bgp (35)
  • uefs (36)
  • siplan (37)
  • siptrunk (38)
  • pim (39)
  • call-by-call (40)
  • fax (41)
  • sipout (42)
  • brrp (43)
  • wlan-controller (44)
  • terminal-option (45)
  • data-encr-accel (46)
  • voice-mail-system (47)
  • pptp (48)
  • ethernet (128)
  • bri (129)
  • g703 (130)
  • pri (131)
  • modem (132)
  • g7032pri (133)
  • slots (134)
  • e3 (135)
  • serial (136)
  • shdsl (137)
  • vdsl (138)

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH