Slot |
The slot, or location of this card. Range: 0 to 31 |
Type |
The name of this card. Length: 0 to 255 |
State |
State of the card. Enumerations: - down (1)
- running (2)
- fail (3)
- stopped (4)
- stopping (5)
- starting (6)
CpldVersion |
Version of onboard CPLD. Length: 0 to 255 |
FpgaVersion |
Version of loaded FPGA firmware. Length: 0 to 255 |
Temp |
This variable shows the actual card temperature in the unit Celsius. Range: 0 to 250 |
TempAlarmThreshold |
Card temperature threshold. Range: 0 to 250 |
TempAlarmTrap |
If the card temperature raises above the threshold, a trap is generated every 60 seconds. Enumerations: |
Admin |
Administrative manipulation of card state. Enumerations: - up (1)
- down (2)
- reconfig (3)
TempAlarmThresholdCriticalLow |
Lower Card temperature threshold to return state from critical to normal. Mustn't exceed biboACrdTempAlarmThreshold! When temperature reaches biboACrdTempAlarmThreshold state changes to critical. This state persists until temperature falls below biboACrdTempAlarmThreshUncriticalLow where state changes back to normal. Range: 0 to 250 |