>> MIB - Management Information Base

>> Table: adslAtucPhysTable - (.

Description: An entry in the adslAtucPhysTable.


Specifies the ADSL interface index.
The vendor ID code is a copy of the binary vendor identification field defined by the PHY[10] and expressed as readable characters.

Length: 0 to 16

The vendor specific version number sent by this ATU as part of the initialization messages. It is a copy of the binary version number field defined by the PHY[10] and expressed as readable characters.

Length: 0 to 16

Indicates mandatory state of the ATUC line, i.e. the state of the line as seen by ATUC. This is a bit-map of possible conditions. The various bit positions are:

1 noDefect There no defects on the line

2 lossOfFraming ATUC failure due to not receiving valid frame.

3 lossOfSignal ATUC failure due to not receiving signal.

4 lossOfPower ATUC failure due to loss of power. Note: the Agent may still function.

5 lossOfSignalQuality Loss of Signal Quality is declared when the Noise Margin falls below the Minimum Noise Margin, or the bit-error-rate exceeds 10^-7.

6 lossOfLink ATUC failure due to inability to link with ATUR.

7 dataInitFailure ATUC failure during initialization due to bit errors corrupting startup exchange data.

8 configInitFailure ATUC failure during initialization due to peer ATU not able to support requested configuration

9 protocolInitFailure ATUC failure during initialization due to incompatible protocol used by the peer ATU.

10 noPeerAtuPresent ATUC failure during initialization due to no activation sequence detected from peer ATU. 11 lossOfCellDelineation ATUC failure due loss of Cell Delineation in interleaved and non-interleaved mode.

This is intended to supplement ifOperStatus.


  • noDefect (1)
  • lossOfFraming (2)
  • lossOfSignal (3)
  • lossOfPower (4)
  • lossOfSignalQuality (5)
  • lossOfLink (6)
  • dataInitFailure (7)
  • configInitFailure (8)
  • protocolInitFailure (9)
  • noPeerAtuPresent (10)
  • lossOfCellDelineation (11)
Measured total output power transmitted by this ATU. This is the measurement that was reported during the last activation sequence in tenth dB.

Range: -310 to 310

Indicates the maximum mandatoryly attainable data rate by the ATU. This value will be equal or greater than the mandatory line rate.
Noise Margin as seen by this ATU with respect to its received signal in tenth dB.

Range: -640 to 640

Measured difference between the total power transmitted by the peer ATU and the total power received by this ATU in tenth dB.

Range: 0 to 630

Indicates the powercutback by the ATU in tenth dB.

MIB Reference to Software Version 10.2.12 generated on 2023/08/29. Provided by webmaster@bintec-elmeg.com
Copyright ©2023 by bintec elmeg GmbH