Automatic configuration

With the Cloud NetManager, you have the option of automatically transferring a previously-determined configuration to every new Access Point which is connected to the local LAN. This method is suitable, for example, for small businesses which do not have their own in-house IT staff, but which need to quickly and easily put new access points into operation.

In order to use this automatic configuration, three requirements must be met:

  1. The access point must be able to automatically log into the Cloud NetManager. To this end, the DCHP Option 43 must be set up with the User ID string, or the Cloud NetManager URL must be adjusted in the GUI of the Access Point. You can view the client-specific URL and User ID under Devices->Add Device->Automatic Login in the Cloud NetManager.

    Devices->Add Device->Automatic Login

  2. In the Cloud NetManager, under Devices->Groups, a standard group must be defined.

  3. In the Cloud NetManager, under Devices->Groups, under the Standard group the Automatic Update option must be activated.
