Configuration of Internet access via the GUI Assistant

The GUI™ Assistant makes it easy to configure the Internet access for the bintec RS120™ as well. For the bintec RS120™ the Internet access is done via an ADSL modem. For this, go to the following menu:

  1. Go to Assistants -> Internet Access-> Internet Connections -> New.

  2. Under Connector Type select e.g. External xDSL Modem .

  3. Click on Next to configure a new Internet connection.

Enter the required data for the connection.

Assistants -> Internet Access -> Internet Connections -> Next

Proceed as follows to configure a new Internet connection:

  1. Under Description enter e.g. ADSL .

  2. Under Physical Ethernet Port select ETH5 .

  3. For the Internet Service Provider select e.g. Germany-T-Home .

  4. Under User Name enter the access data you received from your provider.

  5. Enter the Password you received from your provider.

  6. In the Always active field, specify whether or not the Internet connection should always be on. Only activate this option if you have Internet access with a flatrate.

  7. Press OK to confirm your entries.