
In this workshop the configuration of BRRP (Bintec Router Redundancy Protocol) using two bintec RT1202™ is described. Two Ethernet interfaces (a LAN and WAN interface respectively) are used on both gateways. If the master gateway or the connection to the backup gateway fails, e.g. due to a hardware fault, the backup gateway takes over the functionality of the master gateway. The backup gateway remains in hot standby mode as long as the master gateway is active. How the gateways behave in the event of a failure can be defined with a configurable set of rules.

If BRRP is used, virtual IP and MAC addresses must be configured so that these IP and MAC addresses can be passed to the backup gateway if a failure occurs. The first step is to define the physical Ethernet interfaces, the BRRP advertisement interfaces and the IP address via which the master and backup gateways can communicate with each other. The gateways are configured via this interface/IP address. Then a virtual interface and virtual route is created for the LAN and WAN sides. This virtual interface and its IP address are both used for traffic.

The GUI™ (Graphical User Interface) is used for configuration.

Example scenario
