New Provider

If you would like to use a DynDNS provider not yet included in the list under the menu option Local Services -> DynDNS Client -> DynDNS Provider, you must add this via the following menu:

  1. Go to Local Services -> DynDNS Client -> DynDNS Provider -> New.

Local Services -> DynDNS Client -> DynDNS Provider -> New

Relevant fields in the DynDNS Provider menu

Field Meaning
Provider Name Give the provider a name.
Server Enter the IP address or domain names of the update server.
Update Path The path to the registration script.
Port Enter the port via which the client receives the update.
Protocol The protocol used by the DynDNS provider.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter a Provider Name, e.g. no-IP .

  2. Enter for Server.

  3. Enter /nic/update under Update Path.

  4. Leave the Port set to 80 .

  5. Select DynDNS for Protocol.

  6. Confirm with OK.