Overview of Configuration Steps

Create IP Pool

Field Menu Value
IP Pool Name VPN -> IPSec ->IP Pools -> Add e.g. IPSec Pool
IP Pool Range VPN -> IPSec ->IP Pools -> Add e.g. -
Configuration of the VPN IPSec tunnel
Field Menu Value
Administrative Status VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New Active
Description VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New e.g. VPNClient1
Peer Address VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New empty field
Peer ID VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New E-mail Address / User1@bintec-elmeg.com
Preshared Key VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New e.g. test
IP Address Assignment VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New Server In IKE Configuration Mode
IP Assignment Pool VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New IPSec Pool
Local IP Address VPN -> IPSec ->IPSec Peers -> New e. g.

Enable IPSec Pathfinder function

Field Menu Value
IPSec Pathfinder Mode VPN -> IPSec ->Options -> Advanced Settings Enabled
Configuration of bintec Secure IPSec Client
Field Menu Value
Connection Type Wizard for new profile Connection to company network via IPSec
Profile Name Wizard for new profile VPN Company Head Office
Connection Medium Wizard for new profile LAN (over IP)
Gateway (Tunnel Endpoint) Wizard for new profile e.g. vpngateway.bintec-elmeg.com
Exchange Mode Wizard for new profile Aggressive Mode
PFS Group Wizard for new profile DH Group 2 (1024 Bit)
Shared Secret Wizard for new profile e.g. test
Shared Secret (Retry) Wizard for new profile e.g. test
Type Wizard for new profile e.g. Fully Qualified Username
ID Wizard for new profile e.g. User1@bintec-elmeg.com
IP address assignment Wizard for new profile Use IKE Config Mode
Stateful Inspection Wizard for new profile off
IPSec Pathfinder Function Wizard for new profile Enabled