Configuring internet access

An entry is created for both Internet connections over xDSL on each gateway. The subsequent configuration refers to the entry for the internet connection at head office.

Go to the following menu to set up an internet access over xDSL at head office:

  1. Go to WAN -> Internet + Dialup ->PPPoE-> New.

WAN -> Internet + Dialup ->PPPoE -> New

Relevant fields in the PPPoE menu

Field Meaning
Description Define a name for the xDSL Internet connection.
PPPoE ethernet interface Specify the interface for your gateway over which the xDSL connection is to be established.
User Name Enter the user name you received from the provider.
Password Enter the password you received from the provider.
Always on (flat-rate mode) This indicates that the gateway does not automatically clear the connection.
Connection Idle Timeout Define the time in seconds after which the gateway clears the connection in the absence of data traffic.
IP address mode Defines the mode following which the gateway receives the IP address.
Default Route For this connection, a standard route is automatically created.
Create NAT entry NAT is enabled for this connection.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Under Description enter the name for the connection, e.g. T-Online .

  2. For PPPoE Ethernet Interface, select ethoa50-0 .

  3. Under User Name enter your user name defined in the access data for your provider.

  4. Under Password enter the password for your Internet access.

  5. Leave the default setting Not activated for Always on (flat-rate mode) if you do not have a DSL connection with flatrate. If you have an Internet access without flatrate enter the time in seconds after which the gateway should clear the Internet connection when there is no further data exchange under Connection Idle Timeout, for example 120 .

    If you have an Internet access with flatrate, select Always on (Flatrate Mode). If selected the gateway will never clear the Internet connection automatically.

  6. Leave IP Address Mode set to Get IP Address .

  7. Keep Default Route selected.

  8. Select Create NAT Policy.

  9. Leave the remaining settings unchanged and confirm them with OK.

Configure an MSN to the internet connection in the branch in the same way.