Configuration of DHCP server (bintec RS232bwgateway)

For the automatic configuration of elmeg IP telephones, the DHCP server transmits the address of the auto-configuration server in addition to the standard DHCP options. In order to enable the automatic configuration of elmeg IP1x0™ telephones, the DHCP Option 114 (URL) must be configured as regards the DHCP server of the gateway for the IP address pool.

In the ex works state the DHCP pool is preconfigured and is used if there is no other DHCP server available in the network.

  1. Go to Local Services -> DHCP Server -> DHCP Pool .

Local Services -> DHCP Server -> DHCP Pool

Proceed as follows:

  1. You can enter any description for IP Pool Name, e.g. defpool .

  2. The interface via which the addresses are assigned to requesting DHCP clients is displayed under Interface; here it is en1-0 , for example.

  3. In IP Address Range, enter the first and last IP address of the IP address pool; here it is - , for example.

  4. Local is selected for Pool Use. The DHCP pool is only used for DHCP requests in the same subnet.

  5. Click Advanced Settings.

  6. Leave Gateway set to the option Use Router as Gateway .

  7. Lease Time displays how long an address from the pool can be assigned to a host; here it is 120 minutes, for example.

  8. For DHCP Option, click Add and select URL (Provisioning Server) . By using this option, you can transfer any URL to a client.

  9. Enter the URL of the elmeg hybird 120™ for Value. This is in the form http://<hybird IP address>/eg_prov, e.g. .

  10. Press OK to confirm your entries.