Room status

In the Room Status submenu, information on the room, the guests and additional settings is entered.

  1. Go to Applications-> Hotel Functions -> Room Status .

Applications -> Hotel Functions -> Room Status

Proceed as follows:

  1. Room Description displays the room description, here Room 10 for example. The entry cannot be changed.

  2. The Internal Number indicates the configured internal number of the hotel room and the name of the guest, e.g. 10, Meier .

  3. Under Cleaning State select Clean , for example. The status can also be modified on the room telephone through a code procedure.

  4. Enter the Status of the guest occupying this hotel room, e.g. Check-in . This status can also be set by a reception telephone.

  5. Enter the Guest Name e.g. Meier .

  6. Where required, enter Additional Info on the guest, e.g. non-smoker .

  7. Under Wake-up select whether the guest is to be woken, here, for example Daily .

  8. Enter the Time at which the guest wishes to be woken, e.g. 07:00 .

  9. Select the Announcement with which the guest wishes to be woken. All preset and additionally-downloaded Wave files in the system are available, e.g. MOH Intern 1 .

  10. Under Message Info select whether the guest should be informed of messages taken for him/her at the reception. When enabled, this function signals the presence of a message at the room telephone. For this, in menu Numbering-> User Settings -> Authorisation Classes -> Performance Features->Advanced Settings the option receive MWI Information must be on activated .

  11. Connection costs displays current connection charges for this telephone.

    Fees expression

  12. Press OK to confirm your entries.


Applications -> Hotel Functions -> Room Status