Configure the external ISDN port to operate on the ISDN point-to-point connection

In its ex works state, the elmeg hybird 120/130™ is ready to operate on a point-to-point ISDN access. Proceed as follows in order to modify the existing ISDN point-point connection:

  1. Go to Assistants -> PBX -> Trunks -> ISDN Extern .

Assistants -> PBX -> Trunks -> ISDN Extern

Proceed as follows:

  1. A Name has already been defined, here e.g. ISDN Extern .

  2. Under Ports, select a port from the list via the Add option, e.g. S/U 1 ein.

  3. Under P-P Base Number, enter the base number, e.g. 9294 .

  4. Leave the Class of Service set to CoS Default .

  5. Confirm you settings with OK.

A successfully established ISDN point-to-point connection is marked with a .