Configuration of external ISDN port (Variants 1-3)

In its ex works state, the elmeg hybird 120j™ is ready to operate on a point-to-point ISDN access. To ensure the elmeg hybird 120j™ works on your ISDN point-to-multipoint connection, the preconfigured point-to-point ISDN access must be deleted first of all via the PBX Wizard. The relevant list field is deleted by pressing the button.

Assistants -> PBX -> Trunks

Click New to add an ISDN point-to-multipoint connection.

  1. Go to Assistants -> PBX -> New.

  2. For Connection Type, select ISDN .

  3. Click OK to add an ISDN point-to-multipoint connection.

  4. Enter the access data required for the connection.

Assistants -> PBX -> New -> OK

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter a description for the connection that will make it easier to identify again under Name, e.g. ISDN-P-MP-1 .

  2. The connection type Point-to-multipoint connection is entered as a fixed value based on your previous entry.

  3. Under Ports, click Add and select the entry S/U2 . The port matches the second ISDN port of the elmeg hybird 120j™.

  4. Click Add and enter the single number (MSN) and the name displayed for all external multiple subscriber numbers, e.g. 587564 and 01-ISDN-Extern , 587849 and 02-ISDN-Extern and 588608 and 03-ISDN-Extern .

  5. Under Authorisation Class, click Add and select the CoS Default authorisation class. For the standard configuration of elmeg hybird 120™ / hybird 130™, all predefined users belong to the CoS Default authorisation class.

  6. Press OK to confirm your entries.