SIP Provider (Extension) Sipgate Trunking and QSC-IPfonie extended

For outgoing calls, the main number along with the user's extension number are sent by default. This is in line with the setting Standard, Own DDI Signals . However, outgoing calls by the creating subscriber can also be sent using other configured numbers in the extension number range.

  1. Go to Numbering->User Settings->Users-> <Doe-30> ->Outgoing Signalisation-> <30> .

Numbering->User Settings->Users-> <Doe-30> ->Outgoing Signalisation-> <30> .

Proceed as follows to select the outgoing number:

  1. Select a configured number, e.g. 004991149522701-0 , under SIP Provider Name, e.g. Sipgate_trunking, which is then transmitted to the other subscriber.

    If you select Standard, Own DDI Signals , the main number is transmitted along with the separate extension number.

  2. Confirm with Apply.