Network Address Translation (NAT) / Port Address Translation (PAT)

Requests for the official address of the be.IP™ (WAN partner) are implemented by a rule and forwarded to the desired IPv4 address on the LAN (exposed host) or to a special DMZ (demilitarised zone; a separate interface monitored by additional firewall rules). In our example the destination for implementation is a web server.

In order to protect port scans on the current TCP ports (e.g. 22->ssh, 23->telnet, 80->http, 443->https) from attacks, you can configure a port address translation (PAT) from the external port 8080 to the internal port 80. However, this is not a requirement for further configuration.

Configuration without PAT

To configure without PAT, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Network->NAT->NAT Configuration->New.

    Network->NAT->NAT Configuration->New

  2. Enter a Description e.g. WEB-Server .

  3. Select an Interface, e.g. WAN_WAN-Provider as the WAN partner’s interface.

  4. Leave the settings Type of traffic = incoming (Destination NAT) .

  5. Select Service = http .

  6. In New Destination IP Address/Netmask = Host enter the value as the web server’s IP address.

  7. Leave New Destination Port = Original .

  8. Press OK to confirm your settings.

Configuration with PAT

As an alternative to configuring without PAT, configure with PAT as follows:

  1. Go to Network->NAT->NAT Configuration->New.

    Network->NAT->NAT Configuration->New

  2. Enter a Description, e.g. WEB-Server .

  3. Select an Interface, e.g. WAN_WAN-Provider as the WAN partner’s interface.

  4. Leave the settings Type of traffic = incoming (Destination NAT) .

  5. Leave Service as User-defined .

  6. Under Protocol select TCP .

  7. Select Original Destination Port/Range = Specify port and enter 8080 .

  8. In New Destination IP Address/Netmask = Host enter the value as the web server’s IP address.

  9. Under New Destination Port deactivate Original and enter 80 .

  10. Press OK to confirm your settings.