
Open a web browser and enter the IP address of your router into the address field. Use your login information to log into the router.

Go to the Local Services->DynDNS Client->DynDNS Update->New menu.

Local Services->DynDNS Client->DynDNS Update->New

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the Host Name as registered with the DynDNS provider e.g. .

  2. Select the WAN- Interface, the IP address of which should be transferred to the DynDNS provider, e.g. Telekom .

  3. Under Username enter the name of the account as it is registered with the DynDNS provider, in this case IhrUser .

  4. Enter the Password as registered with the DynDNS provider e.g. SuperSecret .

  5. Select the DynDNS provider with which the above data is registered; here it is TwoDNS .

  6. Enable the Enable update option.

  7. Click OK to confirm your entries.

You can access help on available configuration options via the online help system.