
With the PayPal authentication method a fee-paying hotspot service is available.

PayPal login

Users select a Tariff, e. g. 10 Minute Ticket (1.00 €) and clicks on the PayPal Express Buy button. Then, the PayPal payment page is displayed. When users have made the payment they are automatically logged in. An email containing credentials is also sent to the email address registered at PayPal so that users can log in with a different device if desired.

A PayPal business account is required to use this service. It is free to register this type of account. PayPal charges a fee on the sums of money collected. Please refer to the PayPal website for details.

Configuring the bintec hotspot server

  1. Start a Web browser, open the page and enter your login data.

  2. Go to Client -> <Edit Client>.

Client -> <Edit Client>

Enter the API login data (API Username, API Password and the Signature). You can access this data via your PayPal dealer account (Mein_Profil/mehr/Verkäufer_Händler/API-Zugriff).

Now select the Registration type.

  1. Go to the hotspot server page at Location -> <Edit Location>.

Location -> <Edit Location>

To create a new location, proceed as follows:

  1. The page provided by the hotspot server is displayed as a Walled Garden URL.

  2. Here you select the Paid service Registration type.

  3. The URL of login page is the local IP address for the hotspot gateway, here e. g. .

  4. Press Submit to confirm your entries.

Configuring the bintec hotspot gateway

To configure the hotspot gateway, establish a web connection to the bintec gateway (e. g. bintec RS353xx™).

  1. Go to Local Services -> Hotspot Gateway -> Hotspot Gateway ->BRIDGE_BR0-1 .

Local Services -> Hotspot Gateway -> Hotspot Gateway -> BRIDGE_BR0-1

Proceed as follows in order to configure Hotspot-Gateway:

  1. Enable the Walled Garden, function so that you can define a charge-free area on websites (intranet).

  2. Enter the login page provided by the hotspot server as the Walled Garden URL, here e. g. .

  3. In the Terms & Conditions input field enter the address of the General Terms and Conditions on the intranet server, or public server, e.g., . The page must lie within the address range of the walled garden network.

  4. Disable the Login Frameset function. When the function is disabled, only the website with information, adverts and/or links to freely accessible websites is displayed.

  5. Confirm with OK.


Depending on the time of day it can take quite a while for the login page and the PayPal payment pages to load because of the high traffic density on the website. This also affects the PayPal logo on the login page because this is always loaded by

With some browsers you can only avoid a security warning if you have called the router login page via https, for which an SSL certificate is required.