Administration of Hotspot accounts

You can manage Hotspot accounts on-site via the user interface. You've already received the login data per e-mail.

Creation of an account

You can generate a new ticket for a Hotspot user. Here, you can choose between simple entry and advanced entry. For simple entry, go to the following menu:

  1. Go to Account -> New Account (easy).

Account -> New Account (easy)

The fields User name, Tariff and Last name are required fields.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Under User name enter Guest_25 for example.

  2. Select the Tariff, e.g. 2h Ticket . The rate selection can be expanded by your administrator.

  3. Under Last name enter Lüdenscheid for example.

  4. Confirm your entries with Submit.

Click >Help< for additional information.

For advanced entry, go to the following menu:

  1. Go to Account -> New Account (extended).

Account -> New Account (extended)

Die fields User name, Last name, Tariff and Location are required fields.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Under User name enter Guest_26 for example.

  2. Select the Tariff, e.g. 2h Ticket . The tariff selection can be extended by your administrator.

  3. Select the Location, e.g. SE-Test .

  4. Under Groups, you can merge several tickets to a group and disable internet access for this group during a certain period.

    Under Account->Groups, the existing groups are displayed. You can disable internet access for a group. To do so, click on the displayed number in the actions column of the desired group and then click on New action. In the New group action window, you can set the period for which to block internet access. This is useful, for example, to block internet access for students of a class during a test.

  5. The SSID field is optional, and is printed on the ticket.

  6. Under First name enter Hans-Hubert for example.

  7. Under Last name enter Lüdenscheid for example.

  8. Under Room enter 214 for example.

  9. Confirm your entries with Submit.

Click >Help< for additional information.

Manage account

Under Account, you can enable a new ticket for a Hotspot user, delete accounts and read off the remaining time. In addition, you can print the access data for your customer or generate a PDF file.

  1. Go to Account -> Overview to activate a new ticket.

    To enable a newly-created user, you must first click on Amount. The display then switches to Paid .

    Click >Help< for additional information.

Account -> Overview