Changing the Phase-1 Profiles

Go to the following menu to change the profile for phase-1:

  1. Go to VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles-> <Multi-Proposal> -> .

VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles-> <Multi-Proposal> ->

Configure the phase-1 profile with the following parameters:

  1. Under Description define a name for the profile, e.g. Branch Office .

  2. Under Proposal Encryption select AES , under Authentication select MD5 .

    Since at least one proposal must be configured at any one time, the first entry in the list is enabled by default.

  3. Set Mode to Aggressive , as you are using dynamic IP addresses.

  4. Under Local ID Type choose Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) .

  5. Under Local ID Value enter the local ID of the gateway, e.g. Head Office (set under Peer ID for the Partner).

  6. Click Advanced Settings.

  7. Under Alive check select Inactive .

  8. Confirm with OK.