Overview of Configuration Steps

Select the connection type

Field Menu Value
Connection Type Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections External xDSL Modem

Setting up an internet connection

Field Menu Value
Description Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next e. g. Internet Data
Physical Ethernet Port Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next ETH5
Type Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next Predefined
Country Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next e. g. Germany
Internet Service Provider Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next e. g. Telekom - VDSL
Connection ID Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next e. g. 012345678945
Access Number Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next e. g. 955012345678
Co-User Number Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next 0001
Password Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next e. g. secret
Always active Assistants -> Internet -> Internet Connections ->Next Enabled

Configuring the VLAN interface

Field Menu Value
Based on Ethernet Interface LAN -> IP Configuration-> Interfaces -> New en1-4
Interface Mode LAN -> IP Configuration-> Interfaces -> New Tagged (VLAN)
VLAN ID LAN -> IP Configuration-> Interfaces -> New 8
Address mode LAN -> IP Configuration-> Interfaces -> New DHCP
DHCP Broadcast flag LAN -> IP Configuration-> Interfaces -> New -> Advanced Settings Disabled

Configure IGMP proxy

Field Menu Value
Interface Multicast-> IGMP -> IGMP -> New LAN_EN1-0
Mode Multicast-> IGMP -> IGMP -> New Routing
IGMP Proxy Multicast-> IGMP -> IGMP -> New -> Advanced Settings Enabled
Proxy Interface Multicast-> IGMP -> IGMP -> New -> Advanced Settings LAN_EN1-4-1

Enable Multicast routing function

Field Menu Value
IGMP Status Multicast-> IGMP-> Options Up or Auto

Activating NAT

Field Menu Value
Interface LAN_EN1-4-1 Networking -> NAT ->NAT Interfaces NAT active Enabled

Configuring the IP address pool

Field Menu Value
IP Pool Name Local Services -> DHCP Server-> IP Pool Configuration-> New e. g. defpool
IP Address Range Local Services -> DHCP Server-> IP Pool Configuration-> New e. g. -

Configuring DHCP

Field Menu Value
Interface Local Services -> DHCP Server-> DHCP Configuration -> New en1-0
IP Pool Name Local Services -> DHCP Server-> DHCP Configuration -> New e. g. defpool
Pool Usage Local Services -> DHCP Server-> DHCP Configuration -> New Local