Configuring a DHCP IP address pool on the LAN interface

The T-Home Media Box requires the IP address settings to be assigned dynamically via DHCP. For this purpose, a DHCP IP address pool needs to be configured on the LAN interface. In our case, this is the en1-0 interface.


Only carry out this configuration step if there is no other DHCP server in your local network. In this case, enter the LAN IP address of the router as the Router on the DHCP server. In our example, the LAN IP address of the bintec be.IP™ is .

If there is no DHCP server in your local network, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Local Services -> DHCP Server -> IP Pool Configuration-> New.

Local Services -> DHCP Server -> IP Pool Configuration-> New

Proceed as follows to set up an IP address pool:

  1. Under IP Pool Name, Enter any description to uniquely identify the IP pool, e. g. defpool .

  2. Enter an IP Address Range. In our example, an IP address range from to is configured.

  3. Press OK to confirm your entries.


The IP address range must lie within the IP network range configured on the LAN interface.

Go to Local Services -> DHCP Server -> DHCP Configuration-> New.

Local Services -> DHCP Server -> DHCP Configuration-> New

Proceed as follows to set up an IP address pool:

  1. Under Interface, select the logical interface en1-0 .

  2. Select the IP Pool Name configured in the IP Pool Configuration menu. In our example defpool .

    Under Pool Usage select Local .

  3. Press OK to confirm your entries.