Overview of Configuration Steps

Configure IPSec connection (head office)

Field Menu Value
Description VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. Field Office-1
Peer Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g.
Peer ID VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. RS123-Field Office-1
Preshared key VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. test
Local IP Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g.
Route Entries VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New and
Start mode VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Always Up

Changing the Phase-1 profile

Field Menu Value
Local ID Value VPN -> IPSec -> Phase 1 Profiles -> e. g. RS353-Head Office

Configure the routing protocol

Field Menu Value
Send Version Routing Protocols -> RIP -> RIP Interfaces -><Field Office-1> RIP V2 Multicast
Receive Version Routing Protocols -> RIP -> RIP Interfaces -><Field Office-1> RIP V2
Route Announce Routing Protocols -> RIP -> RIP Interfaces -><Field Office-1> Up Only

Set up RIP options

Field Menu Value
Default Route Distribution Routing Protocols ->RIP->RIP Options Disabled

Configure IPSec connection (field office)

Field Menu Value
Description VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. Head Office
Peer Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g.
Peer ID VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. RS353-Head Office
Preshared key VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. test
Local IP Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g.
Route Entries VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New and
Start mode VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Always Up

Changing the Phase-1 profile

Field Menu Value
Local ID Value VPN -> IPSec -> Phase 1 Profiles -> e. g. RS123-Field Office-1

Configure the routing protocol

Field Menu Value
Send Version Routing Protocols -> RIP -> RIP Interfaces -><Head Office> RIP V2 Multicast
Receive Version Routing Protocols -> RIP -> RIP Interfaces -><Head Office> RIP V2
Route Announce Routing Protocols -> RIP -> RIP Interfaces -><Head Office> Up or Dormant

Set up RIP options

Field Menu Value
Default Route Distribution Routing Protocols ->RIP->RIP Options Disabled