Configuring portforwarding

As NAT as been enabled on the interface for the Internet connection, it is no longer possible to access internal computers from the Internet. External users must be authorised to access the FTP server over FTP and the Web server over HTTP or HTTPS. Consequently, you must set up portforwarding for these services.

Go to the following menu to forward the required ports to the FTP or Web server:

  1. Go to Network -> NAT -> NAT Configuration-> New.

Network -> NAT ->NAT Configuration -> New

Proceed as follows to set up portforwarding for FTP:

  1. Enter a Description for the NAT configuration, e. g. FTP .

  2. Set Interface to LAN_EN5-0 .

  3. For the Type of traffic, select incoming (destination NAT) .

  4. For Service, select ftp .

  5. Under Original Destination IP Address/Netmask select Host and enter the static public IP address of the gateway, here .

  6. Under New Destination IP Address/Netmask select Host and enter the FTP server's IP address, for example .

  7. Confirm with OK.

Proceed as follows to set up portforwarding for HTTP:

  1. Go to Routing -> NAT-> NAT Configuration-> New.

  2. Enter a Description for the NAT configuration, e. g. HTTP .

  3. Set Interface to LAN_EN5-0 .

  4. For the Type of traffic, select incoming (destination NAT) .

  5. For Service, select http .

  6. Under Original Destination IP Address/Netmask select Host and enter the static public IP address of the gateway, here .

  7. Under New Destination IP Address/Netmask select Host and enter the HTTP server's IP address, for example .

  8. Confirm with OK.

Proceed as follows to set up portforwarding for HTTPS:

  1. Go to Routing -> NAT-> NAT Configuration-> New.

  2. Enter a Description for the NAT configuration, e. g. HTTPS .

  3. Set Interface to LAN_EN5-0 .

  4. For the Type of traffic, select incoming (destination NAT) .

  5. For Service, select http (SSL) .

  6. Under Original Destination IP Address/Netmask select Host and enter the static public IP address of the gateway, here .

  7. Under New Destination IP Address/Netmask select Host and enter the HTTPS server's IP address, for example .

  8. Confirm with OK.