Special load distribution handling for encrypted connections

With the configuration now complete, IP sessions are distributed half and half to the two ADSL lines. This behaviour can lead to problems and losses of connection with certain protocols (e. g. encrypted HTTPS connections). The reason for these connection problems lies in the different Internet IP address of the two ADSL connections. With parallel connections to the same server, the two ADSL lines would be used alternately. To get around this difficulty, IP sessions that are associated can temporarily be connected to one of the Internet connections. This type of critical connection is configured in the Special Session Handling menu.

  1. Go to Network -> Load Balancing -> Special Session Handling -> New.

Network -> Load Balancing -> Special Session Handling ->New

Proceed as follows:

  1. Under Description, enter a name for the entry, e. g. HTTPS .

  2. For Service, select http (SSL) .

  3. Set the Special Handling Timer to 900 seconds.

  4. Leave the remaining settings unchanged and confirm them with OK.

With this configuration, HTTPS connections that are sent from a single local host to the same HTTPS web server are connected to one of the two ADSL lines for a period of 900 seconds. This causes the address of the sender of the HTTPS data to remain the same, which prevents any loss of connection.