Setting up the IP load distribution

A load balancing group needs to have been created before you can set up the IP load distribution.

  1. Go to Network -> Load Balancing -> Load Balancing Groups -> New.

Network ->Load Balancing->Load Balancing Groups->New

To create a load balancing group, proceed as follows:

  1. Under Group Description, enter a name for the load balancing group, e. g. Internet access .

  2. For Distribution Policy, select the method that will be used to distribute the data, here Session-Round-Robin (for load distribution based on IP sessions).

The two ADSL Internet accesses can then be added to this load balancing group.

To do this, click Add.

Network -> Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups -> New-> Add

Proceed as follows:

  1. For Interface, select the first ADSL access WAN_ADSL-1 .

  2. Enter 50 % for Distribution Ratio.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Add the second ADSL line with Add.

  5. For Interface, select the second ADSL access WAN_ADSL-2 .

  6. Enter 50 % for Distribution Ratio.

  7. Click Apply.

After this configuration step, the two Internet connections can be used with the IP load distribution.

  1. Go to Network -> Load Balancing -> Load Balancing Groups.

Network -> Load Balancing -> Load Balancing Groups